作业帮 > 综合 > 作业

描述图 用英文 100词左右!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/30 19:35:58
描述图 用英文 100词左右!
再问: ��
再答: �������˵һ����ĿҪ����û�и��밡������ʲô��
再答: On a shiny day, there was a couple lying on the deck chair on the sea bank. They were looking at the sky. What's more, a bag was hanging on the girl's chair.
再答: Ҫ���⼸�����˵����
再问: �� ���� Describe the place and tell why you would like to visit.
再答: ����������Ϻ���ͺð���
再问: �������æ��~
再答: From the picture we can see that, there was a couple lying on the deck chair on the sea bank. They were looking at the shiny sky. A beautiful bag was hanging on the girl's chair. It is a wonderful place that attract me, and I would be very glad to visit there.
再答: ��һ�����ڽ��Ŵ�
再答: It is my dream since I was young to visit a beautiful seaside. I always dream of lying under the sunshine, enjoying the soft wind, and hearing the sound that sea waves patting the sands.
再答: ���ټ�һ����β
再答: Since it is such a wonderful place, I am too impatient to visit it.
再答: ����
再答: �㿴�����������
再问: ���� лл�ˣ�
再答: ��һ�£���һ�ε�attractӦ�øij�attracts
再答: ����ʱ��̫�����﷨�����ˡ���
再问: ���ܿ���֮ǰ����һ�����Ƶ�������
再答: �ţ�˵��
再答: ����Ŀ�����ָ�����
再问: B3 ����ÿ����֫�����Ժ��������˼
再问: ���� b3��ÿ����֫�����Ա�ʾ����˼ ����b3�����һ��ʳָ�������ϱ�ʾ������������Ӣ��˵��
再答: ���ǣ��õ��ʻ��߶����ʾͼƬ����˼�£�
再答: ����˵��һ����дimpatient���������˼ô��
再问: ���� �þ��� �����¶��� ��˵�±�����˼
再答: use arm to hold one's head, impatient
再答: ������ô��
再问: ����
再答: �ڶ����е㿴���壬������������°�
再答: �������use fingers to shape a heart, love
再答: ���ĸ���laugh, happy
再答: �������hold both arms, cheer
再答: �������open the mouth and use hands to hold cheeks, scared
再答: ���߸���û����
再答: �ڰ˸���erect the thumb, praise
再答: �ھŸ���slant the head and use hand to hold cheek, delighted
再答: ���һ����put the index in front of the mouth, keep silent
再问: ̫��л���ˣ�����������Ұ�������
再答: ���꼶��
再问: һ������
再答: ��
再问: �����
再答: �⡣���ðɡ�����ʵ�������㼸�꼶�ġ���
再答: ����Ҫȥ�����ˣ���������Լ���QQ��459482836
再问: ร����õģ���