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the call of the wild 的英文感想

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 11:16:06
the call of the wild 的英文感想
you can focus your thesis on those topics:
1.the relationship between human and dog 人类与狗的关系
2.law of club and fang 大棒与獠牙的法则,适者生存,汰弱留强 quite similar with Charles Darwin’s theory
3.the balance between human and nature
随便找一个写吧.我以前是从第二个开始写的,可以涉及GOLD RUSH中人性的问题啊,资本主义实质啊……之类的,自由发挥的多一些,而且容易引起老师共鸣.