作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1.My camera ___________ .I have looked for it everywhere but

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 12:52:04
1.My camera ___________ .I have looked for it everywhere but still _______it.
A.has lost ,don't find B.is missing ,don't find
C.has lost ,haven't found D.is missing ,haven't found
2.I made ________ a condition that everybody must be there on time.
A.that B.this C.it D./
3.I often hear her _________ after class.
A.to sing B.sang C.sings D.sing
4.The house was built ________ bricks .It is still strong now.
A.out B.out of C.in D.at
5.My friend wanted to know _________ with his new car .
A.what wrong is B.what is wrong
C.what wrong was D.what was wrong
6.When people want to relax themselves ,they prefer ___________ watch TV or listen to music rather than ________ newspaper.
A.watching ,read B.watching ,to read
C.to watch ,read D.to watch ,reading
第四题的答案是 B out of 为什么呢?
第二题 是形式宾语,但是不能看作从句的原因是,后面everybody must be there on time 这已经是个完整的句子,要是看作从句,a condition 是什么成分?显然矛盾.于是不能看作从句 ,选 C
第五题 “宾语从句用陈述句语序”这个方法很对,D答案也正事符合了这个语法,关键在于,你有一种思维定式,并且不明白什么叫陈述句语序,陈述句语序是"主语+谓语+宾语",what was wrong with his new car这句话,with his new car是状语,暂且不看,单看what was wrong ,what 代词做主语,was系词做谓语,wrong形容词做宾语,就是 “主+谓+宾”的形式,所以选 D
第一题,应该选D,camera 应该是被丢,要用 has been lost,现在 has lost 是现在完成式,后一句I have looked for it everywhere but still _______it是一个并列句.I have looked for it everywhere是个完整句,but是连词,(I)still _______it是一个完整句,因为前后两句主语相同,所以省略了主语.并列句的时态要相同,所以后面又是
haven't found
第四题是个小陷阱,第一遍真没注意看,in 表材料不错,但我们都知道建房子用砖才牢固.但是这题的上下文想说,虽然这个房子不是用砖建的,却也仍然牢固.所以用 out of ,表示不是用传建造的.