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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/06 03:47:02
管理员,我并没有复制答案,这是我自己填写的答案,在这之前我已经申请过一次,但是那个管理员说Jess(我上一次申请的名字叫Jess_Lawrence)这个名字不能使用,然后我就换了一个名字,也就是这次申请的,我的答案也就没有改变.答案都是我个人想出来的,并没有复制粘贴,请管理员查看 Turner_Lawrence
The administrator,hello,I didn't copy the answer,this is my own answers to fill in,before this,I had applied for once,but that the administrator that Jess (Jess_Lawrence) is the name of the last time I apply for this name cannot be used,then I will change a name,which is the application,my answer would be no change.The answer is I personally want to come out,did not copy and paste,please administrator for Turner_Lawrence
我特意找我 英语八级的朋友给你翻译的,