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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 21:37:08
1.If the bus lines and then some more,some more frequent flights,so people think it will take the bus is easy,this undoubtedly will alleviate traffic pressure.
2.If possible,try not to use the private car.Or contact the rains friend ride is also a good choice.If not in a hurry,walking or riding a bike in fact than to drive.They won't take up too much space,at the same time you can exercise.
3.traffic congestion tend to be concentrated in a particular time period,for example the work of the Summit.This time even if a lot of people gave up their drive to work,the pressure is still a lot of traffic.If you can make various working time ordered staggered,should be to improve traffic congestion problems.
4.road traffic issues to resolve will be a long and difficult process,for now,the construction of the Metro is also a good pressure relieving road traffic.Metro does not occupy space on the ground,and convenient,trips,even if they miss a class,wait for the next class will not spend too much of your time.It consists of computer-controlled,it is not easy because the human element out of the question,the efficiency is very high.And it will never appear some Metro meet up in the head.
英语翻译1.如果公共汽车的线路再多一些,班次再频繁一些,以至于让人们觉得乘坐公交车会很方便,这无疑会减轻交通压力。2.如 英语翻译1.没有原因的感到头疼2.这能帮助人们减轻压力 一些同学同意迁出市区,因为市区游客多,交通拥堵,会让人们在路上浪费大量时间.用英语怎么说? 请帮我算一下这个问题因为我上班的时候交通不是很方便,要走20分钟到站牌,再乘坐15分钟(大约7站左右)的公交车,再走近1 英语翻译如果你不知道他们的存在,人们会觉得你落伍了当粉丝遇见了他们,粉丝会不能保持理智的,作出一些疯狂的事情他们的成名曲 用英语翻译"当我有时间时我会找一些兼职来做以减轻父母的负担" 英语翻译随着我国国民经济的飞速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,人们的出行也更为频繁,城市轨 道交通作为一种重要而且方便的出 英语翻译在人们偏爱一些数字的同时,也忌讳某些数字,觉得它们会导致厄运,带来灾祸.当然,这种思想,只是一种迷信思想,但由于 英语翻译我们都过着快节奏、高压力的生活,工作强度高,家庭责任重,无疑我们有时会感到压力极大,但如果没有得到控制,它会严重 英语翻译如果我是一个家长,我会多与孩子交流,增进相互的了解,会经常鼓励他,让他做一些自己喜欢做的事情,而且我也会以身作则 英语翻译如果再能介绍一些常见的缩写词语及其翻译的话,我会给他更多的分. 英语翻译第一句:"如果人们愿意在太空探索上面多花一些钱,人们就会在不久的将来更多的享受高科技给我们的生活带来的便利"