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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 23:51:54
Is It Right to Require Class Attendance?
  Required class attendance, like an old custom, is so common in Chinese colleges and universities that many teachers and even students themselves simply assume it a good practice. But is it wise to do so? It does contribute to the rise in the number of students attending class. But is there any proven correlation between attendance and performance in a course? The value of required attendance is being questioned by more and more teachers and students.
  Why is class attendance required? The reason seems fairly distinct and understandable. For one thing, to ensure that all the students in his or her class are attending it has been considered one of the responsibilities of the teacher in the long run. A strong sense of responsibility is acting on the teachers and making them feel lose face or even guilty if they are facing just several students in a classroom which should be filled with many more of them. Also playing a part is that teachers have to find ways to evaluate their students, and attendance, which is a perfect measurable factor, can be their good choice apart from mere paper marks.
  But does that make sense? Have teachers achieved their goal? Take the first glance and people may say "yes", because you can easily find that in the courses which require class attendance there are always a lot of students. But things are not just simply what they look like, however. "I'm tired of the course,but I've got to attend it. So I leave after my name is mentioned by the teacher." A college student said so and if you have experienced college life, you'll find he's not alone in saying so. In some courses attendance checking has been somewhat a burden to the students and they have developed several ways to escape classes while still retain good record on the teachers' handbook.One way is to leave silently after attendance checking, and there's still other ways such as asking others to reply when his or her name is called, etc. Even just talk about the students who never escape classes. We can hardly assume they're really "taking" the course because none of the available data shows any proven correlation between attendance and performance in a course. One may be sitting in the classroom, but who knows whether he or she is just sitting there daydreaming all the time?What surprises us is that there are students who get high marks without attending many classes. So now we seem to have reached a corner: how to explain all these phenomena? Is class attendance requirement really a ridiculous thing or have we missed something important that gives us the answer?
  Just consider the teachers' goal again and we can get more out of the problem. The point of all the things is that we should find a better way to arouse the students' enthusiasm and efficiency to study and attendance requirement is just one of the methods. One's course performance is measured by his or her efforts and efficiency rather than the time he spends to attend class. A student may have a high rate of attendance but low study efficiency. What's more, if we make a close research about the college education we can see why college education is not welcome. A sense of being compelled to study and not being trusted is the most important factor in it. Students in colleges tend to think they are already grown-ups who're responsible for what they can do and what they want to do. The attendance checking makes them feel that they are treated like children and thus may destroy the enthusiasm of study or even cause them to cheat the teachers in different ways. Another factor that bears the same importance is the classes, or to say the teachers them selves. Why do students fail to follow the courses? One thing that can not be denied is that many classes are simply too boring.Teachers only repeat their materials from the textbook and students feel they can gain nothing from it. For the third but not the least one, students do lack a strong desire to study and responsibility for themselves these days. Their life is filled with too many things such as PCs, TVs, and a lot of other things.These make them impetuous and unable to sit down quietly studying.
  "Awareness of the problem is half of the solution," Once Edison mentioned. Now that we have reached the conclusion that mere attendance requirement is not right, nor necessary, what shall teachers and students do to find the other half of the solution and end the "hide and see" game?
  First, maintaining students attention and interest is still a big challenge for the classroom lecturers. One way for professors to meet the challenge is to brighten the classes with anecdotes for comic relief. Another way is to integrate visuals into classroom activities. Still another way is to punctuate the classes with discussion. Through all these methods the students' enthusiasm of study may be aroused and they would have the desire to study instead of being compelled to sit in the classroom thinking how to escape it.
  Students themselves should take actions to solve the problems too. The essence of the problem is how to improve their study quality and students themselves, as those who benefit from all the endeavors, must give an active response to teachers and the society. Just as Newton once said, "Exploring the unknown is the happiest thing in my life."Students must develop their interest and desire to learn in classes. They should try their best to follow the courses to get knowledge from them instead of making all kinds of excuses to escape classes.
  After all, taking all these factors into account, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that to require class attendance is not an effective way to ensure the students' study quality and efficiency, but it stands for the endless endeavor of educators to improve the standard of education and to give students better tourscs. Awareness of the problem is the first step and other effective measures are being taken. We have strong belief that the situation in the near future will be better and students as well as the teachers will both get high efficiency and interest from the classes.
  Just try and believe it! We cast our eyes forward because there will be a brighter future of education!它有权要求类出席?
  但是,这是否有意义?有教师实现其目标?采取乍一看,人们可能会说“是” ,因为你可以很容易地找到,在课程,需要有一流的出勤率一直是很多学生.但事情并不只是他们看起来像,但是. “我已经厌倦了球场,但我必须参加它.所以,我离开后,我的名字是提到的老师. ”大学生这么说,如果你经历过大学生活,你会发现他不是一个人这样说.在一些课程出勤率检查而得到某种程度的负担,学生和他们已经开发几种方式来逃避上课,同时仍保留良好记录的教师handbook.One方式是默默离开后,出席检查,并还有其他方式,如要求别人的答复时,他或她的名字叫做等甚至只是谈论谁没有逃生的学生上课.我们也难以承担他们真正“同时”的过程,因为没有可用的数据显示任何证明关系出勤率和性能的课程.人不得坐在教室,但谁知道他或她是否只是坐在那里白日做梦吗?我们什么惊喜的是,有学生谁获得高分没有参加许多课程.因此,我们现在似乎已经达到一个角落:如何解释这些现象?是一流的出勤要求实际上是一个可笑的事情,或者我们错过了一些重要的是给我们提供了一个答案吗?
  “对这个问题的认识是成功的一半的解决方案, ”一旦爱迪生提及.现在,我们已经得出的结论是,仅仅出席的要求是不正确的,也没有必要,什么应做教师和学生找到另一半的解决方案和最终的“隐藏和见”的游戏?
  学生自己应采取行动来解决问题.问题的实质是,如何改善他们的学习质量和学生本身,因为这些谁从中受益的一切奋斗,必须给予积极回应教师及社会的.正如牛顿曾经说过, “探索未知是最幸福的事情在我的生命. ”学生必须发展自己的兴趣和愿望,学习班.他们应该尽力按照课程获得的知识,他们不是使各种借口逃避班级.
  毕竟,考虑到所有这些因素考虑进去,我们可以安全地到达的结论是,需要一流的出勤率不是一个有效的途径,以确保学生的学习质量和效率,但它代表了无尽的教育工作者的努力,以改善标准教育,并让学生更好地tourscs .对这个问题的认识是第一步和其他有效措施,目前正在采取.我们有坚定的信念,这种情况在不久的将来将能更好地和学生以及教师都将获得高效率和兴趣的课程.