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英语翻译以下.Baby Magpie is looking into the sky.She is watching a

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 18:01:58
Baby Magpie is looking into the sky.She is watching all
the other birds flying.“It’s spring,”she says.“I should fly,too,but Idon’tknow how to start.“Her friend Rabbit is watching the flying birds ,too.
“Flying looks a lot like hopping,says Rabbit.“I see birds
hopping about all the time.Hop like me.If you hop enough ,you might start to fly.
Rabbit hops about.Baby Magpie hops after her.She hops
high ,but soon she comes back down to the ground.
Baby Magpie sits under a tree,watching the other birds
hopping and lifting off the ground.
“What is their secret?”says Baby Magpie.“I can hop.I
can flap my wings.But I can’t fly.“Her friend Turtle is watching the birds,too.
“Flying looks a little like swimming,“he says.“Maybe if
you learn to swim through the water with me,it will help you
learn to glide through the air when you fly.
“I would try,said Baby Magpie.She jumps into the water.
“Oh,it’s so wet!”she shouts.She wants to glide like Turtie,but she can’t.
Baby Magpie comes to the farmhouse and finds Cat and
Dog there.She sits by them watching the flying birds.The birds are singing a sweet song.
“These birds can fly and sing,“says Baby Magpie.
“Maybe singing wili help you fly,“says Cat.“If you sing
loud enough and long enough ,maybe you’ll begin to fly ,too.
It’s no use,says Baby Magpie.“I had better stop trying.
“Stop trying asks Cat.“You cant stop trying.If you
want to fly ,you must learn how to do it.
Baby Magpie puts her head in her wings.Suddenly she
looks up.
“Ithink I know what I need to do“she says.
Baby Magpie takes a running start.She hops like Rabbit.
She flapped her wings.When she is in the air she gLides
through the beautiful sky like Turtle and the other birds.
“I’m flying she says.
Then Baby Magpie lifts her head and like Cat and Dog,
begins to sing.