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英语翻译SAN FRANCISCO — Steven P.Jobs never cared much for selli

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 01:03:33
SAN FRANCISCO — Steven P.Jobs never cared much for selling Apple products to big businesses.The late Apple chief executive so disliked the process of catering to the needs of business,rather than those of consumers,that he called chief information officers in corporations “orifices” at a conference in 2005.“There are 500 men and women in the Fortune 500 — C.I.O.’s(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官— that you have to go through,” Mr.Jobs said then.
A funny thing happened,though,in the last few years.Big companies started buying Apple products — a lot of them — for their employees.The iPad and iPhone have given the Apple symbol a presence in workplaces that Apple never enjoyed when it was strictly focused on selling Macintosh computers.
While corporate technology buyers say Apple does not try to hide the fact that consumers are still its top priority,they note that the company has gotten easier to work with in recent years,adding features to its devices that make them more palatable to business.It also doesn’t hurt that Apple’s new chief executive,Timothy D.Cook,is known to be far more at ease meeting with the C.I.O.’s Mr.Jobs once so memorably disparaged.
“What they’ve done in the past few years is really started thinking in a deeper way what the enterprise needs,” said Rich Adduci,chief information officer of Boston Scientific,a medical device manufacturer that has distributed about 3,000 iPads to its field sales people,and expects to buy 1,500 more by the end of the year.
Apple,which declined to comment for this article,has begun to drop hints that it sees the corporate market as a big growth opportunity.During recent earnings calls with analysts,Apple executives have boasted about the portion of Fortune 500 companies testing or deploying iPads and iPhones — 92 percent and 93 percent,respectively,Apple said last month.
“You never heard those stats before,” said Gene Munster,an analyst at Piper Jaffray.“The reason why is they struggled for decades,and finally they have a story to tell in the enterprise.”
Among the big customers Apple has won recently is the home improvement retailer Lowe’s,which says it bought about 42,000 iPhones to be used by employees on store floors.Instead of having to find a computer,the employees can use the devices in store aisles to check inventory,pull up how-to videos and help customers estimate costs for painting,flooring and other projects.
旧金山-史蒂文p .工作从不关心产品多为销售苹果大企业.已故的苹果首席执行官如此不喜欢这个过程需要的餐饮生意而不是消费者的利益,首席信息,他称之为“孔”公司官员在一次会议于2005年.“有500名男性和女性500 - C.I.O.财富' s(首席信息技术执行官)首席信息官——你得通过:“先生的工作说然后.
当公司技术买家认为苹果不试图回避的事实是,消费者仍在其重中之重,他们指出,该公司已经变得更容易工作与近年来,增加特性对其装置,使他们能够吸引业务.它也不会伤害那个苹果的新首席执行官,提摩太d .做饭,被视为更安逸C.I.O.会见了曾经的蓝军先生工作受到蔑视.
“他们做的,在过去的几年里真的开始考虑在更深的企业需要的方式说,“Adduci丰富,首席信息官波士顿科学、医疗设备的专业制造商,大约3000 iPads分布对其现场销售的人想买的东西超过1500,到今年年底.