作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 03:41:06
短文改错 A
I’m a senior student. I like make friendswith
peoplebut I do my best to get on well with everyone.
2 and
But inlast week I found that one of my friends
3 in删去
wrote inher English diary that she disliked me and
4 √
that hedidn’t want to be my friend any more. Now
5 she
she hasstarted to make fun of me because of I’m
6 of删去
fat. I’mkind to her, but why can’t she be friend
7 a
of mine?Other problem is about my weight. Should
8 losing
I do lessexercise or use pills? And do you know
9 more
any otherway? Please give me some advices.
10 advice
Dear Sir,
I am nowa college student at Peking University. I’m
1 in
quiteinterested in the position offering by your website
2 offered
forpart-time English reporters. I think I’m fit the job.
3 for
As astudent, I’ve read a lot and have many knowledge
4 much
indifferent field. I’m fond of English and do well in
5 fields
bothspeaking and writing. Besides, I’m easily to get
6 easy
alongwith and I enjoy working together with another.
7 others
Aboveall, I once work as a reporter for my college
8 worked
broadcast station.So I’m sure I can do the job well if I will get
9 删去will
the chance to workfor a website. I’m looking forward to
yourreply. 10 the
Yours faithfully,
Li Hua
People have different tastes infood. Some
feel they haven’t a meal unlessthey have had
1 had
pork or other meat; some prefer chickens2 chicken
or fish, and eats one or the otherat every meal.
3 eat
Others prefer vegetables and fruitor
grains but would enjoy a meal ofpotatoes,
4 and
noodles and carrots and someanother fruit.
5 other
Others could live on the foods arecalled 6 that
fast foods, for example, ahamburger or 7 删去a
hot dog, French fries and a softdrinks. 8 drink
Food can be prepared by so manyways.9 in
Every is satisfactory to differentpersons.10 Each

Some students don’t like talking about theirparents
1 with
often as if their parents love them verymuch. Are you
2 don’t
getting on well with your parents? You andyour parents
will be very happy if you can be friends. Hereare some
way to have a good talk with them. Find agood time to
5 ways
talk, like when you’re eating dinner, goingout for walk
6 having
and watching TV. Tell them something you’reinterested
7 or
in, or ask them about their life when theyare young.
8 were
They love to talk about our past! Meet themface to face and
9 their
listen to them carefully. Be honesty, andyour parents
will trust you more. 10 honestly
