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1.Hardly _______the dormitory the next morning when we______

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 01:08:41
1.Hardly _______the dormitory the next morning when we________we had left our map in the room.
A.we left;realized
B.did we leave;realized
C.we left;did we realize
D.had we left;realized
2.My brother likes eating very much and he is not very ______about the food he eats.
3.Her ankle ___________,our tour guide had to be taken to the hospital.
B.having twisted
D.being twisted
4.Kevin kicked the ball so hard that up _________,higher and higher,until it was a small dot in the sky.
A.it flew
B.flew it
C.did it fly
D.fly did it
3.Her ankle ___________,our tour guide had to be taken to the hospital.
A.twisted B.having twisted C.twisting D.being twisted
析:本题考查非谓语动词作状语.her ankle 与twist 是被动关系,排除BC.D.一个正在进行的被动动作,与主句主动词同时发生的.不合句意,排除.
评:本题句用到了独立主格结构.动词twist的非谓语形式取决于它和其逻辑主语her ankle的关系.
正达美2012-6-7 01:56 :简明英汉词典1081页 his ankle twisted 他的脚踝扭伤了 你的表达 是受汉语影响 twist 当及物动词用时 是 搓 捻 扭 的意思 但没有扭伤 扭歪的意思回复
扭伤 He ed his ankle.他扭伤了脚踝回复
[transitive] to injure a part of your body such as your knee or wrist by bending it too much or bending it in the wrong direction:
I've twisted my ankle,so I won't be able to play.
[Tn] injure (eg one's wrist) by turning it too far; sprain 扭伤(腕部等); 歪:a twisted ankle 扭伤的踝关节.
twist your ankle/wrist/knee
to hurt your wrist etc by pulling or turning it too suddenly while you are moving
 Harriet slipped on the stairs and twisted her ankle.
If you twist a part of your body such as your ankle or wrist,you injure it by turning it too sharply,or in an unusual direction.
He fell and twisted his ankle...
Rupert Moon is out of today's session with a twisted knee.
2 [T] If you twist a part of your body,such as your ankle,you injure it by suddenly turning it:
She slipped on the ice and twisted her knee.
证明,twist 作为及物动词,后跟 one's ankle是很地道的英语,并不汉语思维的结果.
To be or become twisted.
这是在《美国传统》中找到的唯一能支持 正达美TX 的一个解释.
即使这样,her ankle twisting,作状语表示一个与主句动词同时或几乎同时发生的动作,也不妥.
哦,看到了,正达美选的不是C.twisting,而是B.having twisted,这样一来,就说得通了.是的,我同意正达美的解释,twist作为不及物动词,用其现在分词的完成式,也是有道理的.这是出题者及大多数答题者都没有想到的.
4.Kevin kicked the ball so hard that up _________,higher and higher,until it was a small dot in the sky.A.it flew B.flew it C.did it fly D.fly did it
译:Kevin 奋力一踢,球往天上飞,越来越高,直到成为一个小点.
析:本题考查全部倒装的特例.表示位移和位置的副词( out,down,up,off ,here,there) 放在句首时,引起全部倒装,即将表示位移或位置的谓语动词(go,fly,run,rush,stay,etc) 放在主语的前面.如:
Out rushed the children.Here comes the bus.
但是:如果句子中的主语为人称代词时,不倒装,如常见的Here you are,Here it is.
上面两句:Out they rushed.Here it comes.