作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 23:48:14
1.A:hello,b!i want to write a report about the environment in china.can you give me a help to tell some points of views about it?
b:sure.what do you want to know about?
A:well,first,what do you think of the pollution problems in china?
b:the pollution problems in china hit you in the face the moment you get out of the building,and you can't escape them in any major city in china.the air is thick with particulate,that is,dust.have heard the sandstorm?
A:yes,i have heard it on tv.once there's a sandstorm in beijing.the dust can be found everywhere.it makes people very difficult to see.people joke about the time they spend in beijing,they have a disease called the beijing cough,which is just one example of the air problems that almost anyone who visits,and certainly everyone who lives in beijing,suffers from.
b:yes,you are right.but i don't think air pollution is the most serious problem in beijing.because some other large cities also have similar pollution problems awaiting solutions.
A:i know the most important cause of sandstorm is deforestation.people cut down too many of the trees in order to raise crops,or much worse,sell logs to earn money.but i have no idea of the reason of the other kinds of air pollution.
b:coal burning.but although it is the number one cause of beijing's pollution,it is reported that it is not the one that most affects people's health.
A:what about water pollution?
b:water pollution is a little bit harder to see because you don't necessarily com face to face with polluted water that you the are asked to drink.certainly as a tourist you stay in hotels where the water is drinkable.but,in many villages,the water supplies are limited,and people are at a constant risk of quite serious diseases,some of which can be fatal.
A:what is the worst pollutant then?
b:the worst pollutant from car fumes is lead.a high proportion of lead in the blood may result in mental retardation.
A:that sounds terrifying!what can we do about it?
b:in order to respond to people's pleas to clean up the air,beijing and many other cities announce their api daily.
A:yes,i've also noticed that,and what other measures have they taken?
b:also they have adopted many anti-pollution measures aimed at reducing the pollution caused by call burning boilers and car exhaust.
A:that certainly isn't the most effective way.
b:well,another way out is to develop an efficient and environment friednly public transprtation system to alleviate people's dependence on private cars.
A:em,it seems more effective.ok!thanks for your opinions.i think i will write a valuable report about the environment in china.
b:wish you to get a good mark.come to see me whenever you meet problems!goodbye!
2.A:hello,B!long time no see!How are you doing?
B:well,no complaints!
A:nice day,isn't it?
B:yeah,it's such a lovely summer day!sunny and warm.it seems summer is coming.you see,i didn't want to waste such a nice day in my dorm so i decided to go sightseeing.actually,i haven't visited any places in shanghai since I come here.
A:yeah,don't bury yourself too much in your books.remember,all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.where do you plan to visit?
B:in fact,i was about to call you.you are a local.i am sure you know more than me.any suggestions?
A:it's hard to say because there are so many things to see.the bund,the oriental pearl tower,people's square.the science museum i don't know what interests you in particular.how about the yu garden?
B:i have heard quite a lot about the garden,the tea house,the,and of course,the zigzag bridge.do you know how to get there?
A:the easiest way is to call a taxi but i think yu garden is rather far away from our school.
B:come on,save some money for me.i am but a poor student here.i don't want to spend much on transportation.i shall make full use of the public transportation here.it's highly developed,i must say.
A:so you find it quite convenient to go around the city,don't you?
B:yeah,you know what?i bought a used bicycle as soon as i arrived.in fact,it's very helpful.the campus is not that big but,even so,it's much convenient if you have a bicycle.when i go out,i usually take buses or subways.i don't care for the bus system very much but i love the subway system in shanghai.it's very well organized.the trains are fast and punctual.no wonder they're always so crowded.by the way,i don't think people pay much attention to traffic rules here.more often than not i see people break traffic rules.
A:you are right.we've also realized that.
B:i often see jaywalkers,bicyclists or even taxis run through the red lights.people just ignore the traffic rules unless there are traffic policemen.
A:more and more people are beginning to realize that they will have to bear full responsibility in an accident if they break the rules.hey,you still haven't told me how to go to the yu garden from here.
A:oh,yes.walk a bit further south and you will find the stop of bus no.18.it will take you directly to the yu garden.
B:do you have any idea how long it will take?
A:it all depends.it may take one hour on such a busy weekend.
B:i'd better get going now.thanks,A.
A:sure!have a nice day!
3.A:hello,B!i have bought a personal computer last monday.so i could surf on internet now.i know you have been a internet nut for a long time.can you tell me something about internet?
B:sure.internet developed very fast these years.a few years ago,we can only connect on internet by 56k modem.the speed is so slow that we can do nothing expect view the web.but now more and more people have the broad-band,such as adsl,the wired tong,and so on.by the way,what's your type of internet?
A:adsl 512ksp.it cost me 50 yuan a month,and i can surf on line for 30 hours.if i used more than 30 hours,i have to pay for it further more.the rate is 3 yuan an hour.do you think it's cheap?
B:if you don't surf online very often,it is suitable for you.
A:well,i will be at home only on weekends.so i haven't much time to surf online.it seems i choice a suitable type of internet.for i am a beginner of internet,i want to know the advantage of it.what do you think about it?
B:internet bring us many things.i think the most important is the convenient communication.if you download some software such as qq,msn,uc,and register on the frontpage.you could chat with your friends around the world who have the same software with you.for example,i often chat online with my classmates and schoolmates by qq.
A:really?i will download qq as soon as possible.after i have qq,how can i found you online?
B:it's quite easy.those who have registered online have the numbers,and you will found me as long as enter the number of me.my qq number is 393000771.you can also ask for your classmates for their qq numbers and found them online.
A:yes,i will,thank you!is there anymore advantages?
B:yes,of course.expect the news and information,you could find music,movies,cartoons and games from internet,too.but some of them require money.
A:i don't want to spend money for them,can you tell me what is free?
B:ok!you can use the software of p2p type.
A:what do you mean?
B:p2p means person to person.when you download the movies on it,you are also uploading it.so that the download speed is very fast when there are many people download it.and all of them are free,you could find it on google.its name is bt.
A:that's great.internet is the great invention on the world!
B:although internet are very convenient,yet it have many disadvantages.when the net game such as world of warcraft comes to china,many students wallow into it.some of them even leave off their study.so i want to give some advice to you,don't play games frequently.
A:thanks for your Suggestion,i will listen to your advice.
B:oh!it's so late,i have to go home now,good bye!