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英语翻译1 我认为这件外套的颜色不适合那位顾客.(suit)2 应聘者很多,你最好尽快向公司申请这个职位.(apply)

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 05:22:50
1 我认为这件外套的颜色不适合那位顾客.(suit)
2 应聘者很多,你最好尽快向公司申请这个职位.(apply)
3 在他们采取有效措施前,污染的水对环境已造成伤害.(cause)
4 他已经到了可以自己做决定的年纪了.(cnough)
5 对你来说犯同样的错误是愚蠢的.(stupid)
6 我记得昨天在这家美发店遇到过你.(remember)
1I think the color of the coat is not suitable for the customer.
2The candidate a lot,you had better as soon as possible to the company for the position.
3They took effective measures,water pollution has caused harm to the environment.
4He has to make his own decision age.
5For you to make the same mistake is stupid.
6I remember yesterday in the beauty salon met you.
再问: 要用到括号里的词
再答: 2The candidate a lot, you had better as soon as possible to the company for the apply