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英语翻译8.It can be inferred from the passage that inanimals les

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 17:14:56
8.It can be inferred from the passage that in
animals less intelligent than the mammals
discussed in the passage
(A) past experience is less helpful in ensuring survival
(B) attention is more highly focused
(C) muscular coordination is less highly developed
(D) there is less need for competition among species
(E) environment is more important in establishing
the proper ratio of prey to predator
再问: 其实我是后半句没看明白 that in animals less intelligent than the mammals discussed in the passage
再答: 1 that引导主语从句(句首的it作形式主语,此从句为真正主语),that不作成分,没有词义; 2 in 和后面的名词animal构成介词短语 “在动物当中” 3 从less开始至in the passage,都是animal的定语 “没有本文中讨论的哺乳动物聪明的动物” 4 综合起来翻译,就是“可以推论,在智力上弱于本文中讨论的哺乳动物的动物当中,......”