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求英语帝帮我翻译一下这五句话.急 急 急! 谢谢了!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 05:08:55
求英语帝帮我翻译一下这五句话.急 急 急! 谢谢了!
在超市购物时,我突然想出一个好主意(come up with)
请尽快告诉我真相(as soon as)
你们英语老师生病了,我代替他来替你们上课(instead of)
Has he allowed me to use this English-Chinese dictionary?
I came up a good idea when I was shopping in the supermarket.
Pleas tell me the truth as soon as possible.
Now fifty percent of all the families own their own houses, and the percentage is on the rise.
Your English teacher is ill, so I will be teaching you instead of him.(最后这一句要求用instead of显然是你们老师理解错了,这个词组不适合用在这里,很别扭的,但是老师要求用,只好这写了,地道的说法应该是I will take his place to teach you.)