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英语达人 帮我把汪峰的美丽世界的孤儿翻译成英文 多谢

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 17:38:08
英语达人 帮我把汪峰的美丽世界的孤儿翻译成英文 多谢
别哭 我亲爱的人
我想 我们会一起死去
别哭 夏日的玫瑰
一切已经过去 你看车辆穿梭
远处霓虹闪烁 这多象我们的梦
来吧 我亲爱的人
来吧 孤独的野花 一切都会消失
你听窗外的夜莺 路上欢笑的人群
这多象我们的梦 哦 别哭
亲爱的人 我们要坚强
我们要微笑 因为无论我们怎样
有时 我感觉失落 感觉自己象一颗草
有时 我陷入空虚 可我不知道为什么
时光流走了 而我依然在这儿
宝贝 看看远处 月亮从旷野上升起
求你再抱紧我 我感觉冷
我感觉疼 你看车辆穿梭就像在寻找什么
哦 别哭 亲爱的人
我们要坚强 我们要微笑
dont cry,my dear
i guess,maybe one day we wil die with each other here
dont cry,beautiful summer rose
everything has gone with wind ,you see,an increasing number of cars driving
neon light shining far ,as well as our soft dreams
come,my dear
let's dance tonight
come,little lonely wild flower,everything will go with wind
hear,nightingale singing outside,the joy from crowd
as well as our soft dream,oh dont cry,
my dear,we need to be strong
we need to smile
becouse however we are
we are the beautiful world orphans
sometimes i feel be lost,just like a small grass
sometimes i am envolved into empty and boredom
but i dont know why
time has passes,it's only me who still here
i have dropped into vortices
baby,look there,moon rising from weald
please hug me more tightly,coz i am frozen
i feel painful,you see the cars driving just like finding something
they are like our fate
oh dont cry my dear
we need to be strong
we need to smile
because however we are
we are the beautiful world orphans