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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 17:22:50
你曾是我心里最耀眼的星辰/我曾那么卑微的仰望你/可是/现在/我们的距离越来越远/终于/我可以放下你/不再卑微的看着你/也不再把你当做信仰/不在做一粒普通的尘埃/但你仍是我心里最耀眼的星辰 可望不可即/你曾经就像阳光一样/给我带来希望/你也想星辰一样/充满神秘/未来的一切都是未知/我只想默默祝福你
You are my heart the most dazzling star / I ever so humble look to you / but / are / more and more distant from us / finally / I can drop you / not humble at you / don't treat you as a belief / not doing a grain of common dust / but you are still in my heart bright star that is not expected to be / have you just like the sunshine / bring the hope to me / you want to the stars / mystery / all of the future is unknown / I just want to silently bless you