作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 09:51:50
题目:在你三年的学校生活中,一定有令你难忘的事。请你以“一节难忘的课”或“一次难忘的课外活动”为题,写一篇文章,参加英语作文竞赛。内容包括:发生了什么事?当时你有什么感受?从中得到什么启示?(请老师判文章,该文章并按中考要求给出得分) An unforgettable class I’ll never forget that lesson which was given by a teacher who teach us English. On that day , she had a free talk with us in easy English , she said she don’t like speaking Chinese in English class , so we must spoke English although sometimes we didn’t understand . I think it’s good for all of us , it was not only improve our spoken English but also good for our listen skill . She spoke slowly so that we could understand her well . If we something seemed difficult for us , he would say it again and again. To my sad, she just teach us only one class, so in my heart this is an unforgettable class. I have learned a lot from the class . I’m sure if we keep on practicing, it will be much easier for us to learn spoken English well.(谢谢)
解题思路: 见下
An unforgettable class I’ll never forget that lesson which was given by a teacher who teach us English. On that day , she had a free talk with us in easy English , she said she don’t like speaking Chinese in English class , so we must spoke English although sometimes we didn’t understand . I think it’s good for all of us , it was not only improve our spoken English but also good for our listen skill . She spoke slowly so that we could understand her well . If we something seemed difficult for us , he would say it again and again. To my sad, she just teach us only one class, so in my heart this is an unforgettable class.
I have learned a lot from the class . I’m sure if we keep on practicing, it will be much easier for us to learn spoken English well.(谢谢) 1、本文的遗憾是时态有些乱。应该保持一般过去时。Teach改为taught 2、didn’t 3、must后面用speak 4、把was改为could 5、改为was good 6、listening skill 7、是she吧? 8、用名词,sadness 9、taught 10、 尽管有很多小毛病,仍不失为一个好文。句子的衔接、句型的运用、词汇的丰富性,都很棒! 如对本题解答还有疑问,可在“继续讨论”中留言,我收到后会尽快给你答复。谢谢你的配合!匆忙中难免有疏漏,请多包涵哦。我是花落无言老师,随时为你答疑解惑!