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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 14:02:24
Cooperation,is a kind of happiness.Yesterday,I'll do something about cooperation.Yesterday night,I at cousin's house,cousin said she is a bit hungry,want to cook instant noodles,please I with she cooperation.We are ready to main ingredient,ingredients,are busy up.Cousin,then take the edible orange roots pull to wash.I do,chopper and chopping block,began to wash washing dishes cut cousin.I first food cut into a a...Ouch!Almost cut to his own hands!Well,I tried not quite,plus I sharp-sighted,fingers immediately draws back.Cutting it,I again to a "Gordian knot by replacing",strenuously "cut".When the cut vegetables,I and my cousin talking and laughing,delight!Cut good dishes,we together to instant noodles and food into the pot,and after a while it is ripe.I and my cousin realise from already do so much in instant noodles,pleasure!This but we both elaborate cooperation work achievement!
Nowadays,in our society,cooperation has become an absolutely necessary way for us to work..
We never can live and solve all these problems by ourselves,so learning to cooperate with others is crucial/important.
Firstly,Join and organize different kinds of activities is a good way to improve our ability of cooperation and communication.But that not means just to work together,the communication in mind is also necessary.So,in our usual life,learn to solve problems by discussing with people,maybe we can make it easily.But at the same time,you could not forget the spirit of independence,to do little things by yourself.
Last,Cooperate with friends and relatives or any other people who need helps is no matter can give us a pleasure day,but also can create a harmonious environment.
As the saying goes,"brothers,satisfy broken heart." A man's strength is too small,only have cooperation,can achieve.Man is standing in the far out at sea coast mast-head can have a ship,the need to promote,One mountain is in the far east has whose shimmering rays of the sun,need a set,One of the force is restless in its mother's womb,the maturation of maternal infant to nourish.Cooperation is the path to success to mark.
The train is bound for successful cooperation.
Without cooperation,which come national prosperity?Without cooperation,which to historic transition?Say so,with cooperation,can achieve.Let the flower of success in the cooperation in the soil in the spring,the cooperation in the spring,let the success of spewing eagles flying in the sky in the cooperation.Let us have cooperation,hug success!