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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 21:23:08
This is England's traditional Sunday lunch ,which is a family affair.这是英格兰的传统星期天午餐 ,这是一个家庭的事情.
Recipe 方
Yorkshire Pudding约克郡布丁
This dish is not usually eaten as a dessert like other puddings but instead as part of the main course or at a starter.这道菜通常不食用的甜点像其他糕点,而是作为主菜或首发.
Yorkshire pudding,made from flour,eggs and milk,is a sort of batter baked in the oven and usually moistened with gravy.约克郡布丁,从面粉,蛋,奶,是一种面糊烤的烤箱,通常滋润与肉汁.
The traditional way to eat a Yorkshire pudding is to have a large,flat one filled with gravy and vegetables as a starter of the meal.传统的方式吃约克郡布丁是要有一个大,一个单位充满了肉汁和蔬菜作为一个入门的一顿.Then when the meal is over,any unused puddings should be served with jam or ice-cream as a dessert.text taken from and copyright of projcetbritain.com接着吃饭时,已经过去,任何未使用的糕点应送达果酱或冰淇淋作为甜点.案文和版权的projcetbritain.com
Recipe 方
Toad-in-the-Hole (sausages covered in batter and roasted.) 蟾蜍中的孔 (包括香肠和烤面糊.)
Similar to Yorkshire Pudding but with sausages placed in the batter before cooking.类似的约克郡布丁,但香肠放在面糊,方可煮食.(See photo right) text taken from and copyright of projcetbritain.com (见照片右) 从文字和版权的projcetbritain.com
Recipe 方
Roast Meats ( cooked in the oven for about two hours) 烤鸭肉 (煮熟的烤箱约两个小时)
Typical meats for roasting are joints of beef,pork,lamb or a whole chicken.典型的烘烤肉类的关节牛肉,猪肉,羊肉或全鸡.More rarely duck,goose,gammon,turkey or game are eaten.更很少鸭,鹅,金门,火鸡或游戏也吃.
Beef is eaten with hot white horseradish sauce,pork with sweet apple sauce and lamb with green mint sauce.吃牛肉是用热水白辣根酱,猪肉甜苹果酱和羊肉绿色薄荷酱.
有数以百计的变化,甜糕点在英国,但每个布丁始于相同的基本成分的牛奶,糖,鸡蛋,面粉和黄油.Many of the puddings involve fresh fruit such as raspberries or strawberries,custard,cream,and cakes.许多糕点涉及新鲜水果,如树莓或草莓,蛋糕,冰淇淋,蛋糕.
更为传统的和众所周知的自制糕点的苹果或大黄崩溃,面包,黄油布丁 ,发现迪克和小事 .The traditional accompaniment is custard ,known as crème anglaise (English sauce) to the French.传统的伴奏是蛋奶 ,被称为精英anglaise (英文酱油)法国.The dishes are simple and traditional,with recipes passed on from generation to generation.菜是简单和传统,并通过配方代代相传.
大多数世界各地的人们似乎认为一个典型的英式早餐包括鸡蛋,腊肉,香肠,油炸面包,蘑菇和烤豆子都冲了一杯咖啡.Now-a-days,however,a typical English breakfast is more likely to be a bowl of cereals ,a slice of toast ,orange juice and a cup of coffee .现在一两天,但一个典型的英式早餐更可能是一碗谷物,一片烤面包,橙汁和一杯咖啡.
Many people,especially children,in England will eat a bowl of cereal.许多人,尤其是儿童,在英国吃了一碗麦片.They are made with different grains such as corn,wheat,oats etc.它们是不同的谷物,如玉米,小麦,燕麦等
In the winter many people will eat "porridge" or boiled oats.在冬季很多人会吃“粥”或煮燕麦.