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英语翻译it is important to remember that it is not her behaveir

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/01 13:00:23
it is important to remember that it is not her behaveir itself that is causing you discomfort
it is important (of you)to remember that it is not her behaveir itself that is causing you discomfort.这个句子中,省略了隐含的从句的主语 you,整个remember that it is not her behaveir itself that is causing you discomfort.是主语部分,可以看成是主语从句.在这个从句中,又有宾语从句that it is not her behaveir itself that is causing you discomfort,宾语从句中又包含了主语从句,that是代词,做 is causing you discomfort这个整个谓语部分的 主语,代替整个 it is not her behaveir itself 这句话.
但是万变不离其宗,个人认为It is important to + 动词原形+ that引导的宾语从句 这样的一个结构,是固定用法.
再问: 那个行该是it is important (for you )吧 而且第二个that 引导的是定语从句吧!
再答: 一般情况下,应该是of you,比如 It was silly (of us) to believe him. (我们)相信了他,真傻/愚蠢。这个句型就是 “It + be + 形容词+ of 名词/代词+to 不定式”。我举得例子 指为谁非常明显,是我们,这样的话,可以省略。在你的句子里,指谁也非常明显,指你,所以省略了of you。 另外,第二个that 引导的是名词从句,也就是主语从句,并不是宾语从句。 谢谢!