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七年级英语下册复习提纲(1~12) 急 快

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/20 08:35:45
七年级英语下册复习提纲(1~12) 急 快
1. listen to the radio 听收音机
2. Teachers’ Day Women’s Day Christmas Labour Day
Children’s Day New Year’s Day
3. 12个月份的拼写:January February March April May June July August September October November December
4. start school 开始上学 start/begin to do sth. start doing sth 开始做某事
5. ride a bike to sw. 骑自行车去某地 go to sw. by bike
walk to sw. 走着去某地 go to sw. on foot
6. play computer games 玩电脑游戏
7. we had games like chess. like 像 8. watch movies/ films 看电影
9. 英语人称顺序:你, 他/她, 我 (I 放在最后)
10. visit sb. 看望某人
10. visit sb. 看望某人
11. near the sea 在海边 on the beach 在海滩上
12. travel by car/ train/ …乘……旅行
13. play the piano弹钢琴 go away 走开;离开 14. decide to be a (an) … 决定成为一名……
15. a writer of plays and poems 一位作家和诗人
16. some of his (the) most famous plays 一些他的最著名的戏剧
17. at school 在学校
18. like watching plays 喜欢看戏剧 like doing sth. / like to do sth. 喜欢做某事
19. finish school 完成学业/ 毕业 20. at the age of … 在……岁
21. move to sw. 搬到某地 22. join a theatre company 加入一家剧团
23. a successful actor 一名成功的演员 (success, successful, successfully, succeed)
24. start writing plays开始写剧本 25. in many other languages 用许多其它的语言
27. on of the most famous writers in the world 世界上最著名的作家之一
28. The TV wasn’t in colour. 电视不是彩色的.
29. What games did you play?你们玩什么游戏?
30. like sth. a lot 非常喜欢某物 a lot = very much 非常
31. on holiday 在假期,在度假
32. He did his homework yesterday. He didn’t do his homework yesterday.
Did he do his homework yesterday? Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.
1. a national hero / national heroes 民族英雄
2. the engineer of a famous railroad 一位著名铁路的工程师
3. the Chinese government 中国政府
4. want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事
The Chinese government wanted a Chinese engineer to build it.
want sb. (宾语)想要某人 They didn’t want foreign engineers.
5. What do you think of …? = How do you like …?你认为……怎么样?
6. start in Beijing 在北京开始 finish in Zhangjiakou 在张家口完成
7. When did he work on it? 他什么时候从事这件事的?
8. form 1905 to 1909 从1905年到1909
9. Why didn’t sb. do sth? 为什么某人不做某事?
Why didn’t you go to school yesterday? 你昨天为什么没去上学?
10. He died in 1919. 他1919年去世.(die, dead, death)
11. open a museum about his life 开了一家关于他生平的博物馆
12. a railroad is for trains. 铁路是给火车用的.
13. over 垂直上方,不接触 The bridge is over the river.
14. through 穿过(内部) through a mountain/ forest / window
across 横穿 (表面)across the road/ bridge
15. What did the Chinese do when he died? 当他去世了中国人做了什么?
16. China’s first astronaut 中国的第一位宇航员
17. a few days ago 几天前 19. He was Yang Liwei, the pilot, with a wife…
18. return to Earth 返回地球
19. be called 被称作 He was called “Xiao Zhang”.
The boy called Kexiang is playing basketball. 叫可祥的那个男孩正在打蓝球.
20. last 持续 The rain lasted a week. 雨持续了一个星期.
last 上一个 last Wednesday, last night, last year
21. orbit the Earth 14 times = go round the Earth 14 times 绕地球运行14圈
22. reach an altitude of … 到达一个……高度
23. the next day 第二天(前面已提到了某一天, 用过去时)
24. the third country 第三个国家
China is now the third country to send a person into space.
25. join the Chinese Air Force 加入中国空军
join the Chinese space programme加入中国太空项目
26. 11 years later, two months later (多长时间)后
27. with 13 other pilots 和其他13名宇航员
28. He trained for five years. 他训练了五年. for + 一段时间 He rested for an hour.
29. want to be…想成为…… She wants to be a singer.
30. people on Earth 地球上的人
31. watch Yang Liwei’s space flight 观看了杨利伟的太空之行
32. wave to sb. 向某人挥手 33. show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 给某人看……
34. have a meal of …吃了一餐……
35. still 仍然,also也,放在实义动词前,be动词、情态动词后
36. return to the ground = land 着陆
37. 到达某地(1) reach sw. (2)arrive in sw.(大地方) arrive at sw. (小地方)
(3) get to sw.
38. What happened? 发生了什么? What happened to you? 你发生什么事了?
39. the latest news 最近的新闻 a piece of news 一则新闻(不可数)
40. How did he show his skill as an engineer?作为一名工程师,他是如何展示她的才能的?
as 作为…… show one’s skill 展示某人才能
41. travel to sw. 去某地旅行
42. sick people / man/ girl…或 sb. is sick
ill 只有一种用法:sb. is ill
43. open a hospital/ factory/ a company开办……
1. two years ago 两年前
2. on the same day 在同一天
3. Who was with you? When were you born?
4. at the airport 在机场 5. go swimming a lot
6. How was your journey? It was great.
7. spend 花费(时间,金钱), 主语是人,其结构:
(1)sb. spend +(时间,金钱)on sth
He spent lots of money on books. We often spend much time on homework.
(2) sb. spend +时间 (in ) doing sth. They spent two hours (in ) playing basketball.
8. well 形容词:身体好 副词:好(修饰动词) 语气词:嗯
9. take + 交通工具 to sw. 乘……去…… She took a bus to Guangzhou last week.
10. go for a walk / ride /swim 去散步/ 兜风/游泳
11. by plane = on a plane = by air 乘飞机
12. read the newspaper 看报纸 a newspaper, two newspapers (报纸可数)
a piece of news 一则新闻 a piece of paper 一张纸
13. send emails 发电子邮件 14. take lots of photos / pictures照很多相片
15. fly to sw. 飞往某地 fly home(不用to)
16. Say hello to sb. 向某人问好 say sorry/ goodbye to sb.
17. How long did you +(延续性)动词? How long did you stay there?
18. have a holiday 度假 19. do a lot of shopping 购买了许多物品
20. go on a boat = go boating 去划船
1. Why are you going to do…? Where are you going to go ?
Where are you going ? Who are you going to go with?
When are you going to go? When are you going?
2. will + be + 形容词 3. on Christmas Day 在圣诞节
4. sit at the table 坐在桌子旁
5. talk to / with sb.和某人谈话 have a talke
8. clean the house 打扫房子 cook a meal 做饭
9. open a present 打开礼物
10. put on new clothes 穿上新衣服
11. sing a song 或 sing songs 唱歌 singer n.
12. go to a party  去参加聚会 
13. have some free time  有一些空闲时间 14. stay in bed 呆在床上 
15. think about 考虑;思考 16. special celebration 特殊的庆祝活动 
17. at the end of November 在11月底 18. give sth to sb. = give sb. sth 给某人某物
19.in the shape of … …… 的形状 The bags are in the shape of Mickey.这些包是米奇的形状.
24. fill … with… 用……装满……
They filled the bottle with water.他们用水把瓶子装满了.
25. traditionally 传统地 (副词)
Traditionally, people clean the house before the Spring Festival.传统上,人们在春节前打扫房子.
26. They put paper around the presents. 他们用纸把礼物包起来. 
27.on Christmas Day 或 at Christmas 在圣诞节
on New Year’s Day at the Spring Festival
on Spring Festival’s Eve