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英语翻译passage1 More Than a jobAlex Mansfield drives a red spor

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 21:04:10
passage1 More Than a job
Alex Mansfield drives a red sports car and wears a suit and tie to work every day ,He is not a businessman; Alex is a waiter at one of New York City's most popular restaurants.The food is very expensive at the restaurant ,and Alex doesn't make a large salary ,but he makes a huge aount of money from customers' tips For me ,being a waiter is more than a job ,it is a career he says .The restaurant hired Alex because the manager liked his long resume:Alex has 15yesrs of experience as a waiter.
Alex enjoys ,and a busy restaurant is an ideal work setting for him .I have a good time and l like talking to people ,he says Alex never feels bored or tired at work.
Alex likes restaurants ,but he doesn't want to open a restaurant of his own ,I realized I don’t have the skills to run a business ,he explains.I studied business in college .but I did not do well Alex thinks his job as a waiter has more rewards He says,As a waiter ,I do not have to worry about money in New York City there are 50000 restaurants .I will never be out of work
Passage 2 Copying clothes
Seema Anand has a $20 million-a-year business .She knows Bill and Hillary Clinton Her customers are famous clothing stores like Macy’s Bloomingdale’s.and Forever20.Ms Anand isno’t a well-known designer; she sells imitations of expensive brand-name clothes.
The business plan is simple :Ms Anand goes to fashion shows,and if she likes a dress,she takes a picture.She sends the picture to India by E-mail in India a computer program shows workers how to make the dress .In three weeks,the imitation dress arrives in American stores,often before the original dress arrives!The quality of Ms Anand’s dress is usually lower than the original ,but so is the price .For example ,Ms Anand’s imitation of a $ 760 dress costs $260.
Ms Anand is not nervous about being arrested.Her business is completely legal .Unlike counterfeit bills or pirated software programs copying a fashion design is not illegal.It is only illegal to copy a logo or brand name .Some fashion designers are angry They want to government to prevent Ms Anand form copying their clothes
Ms Anand thinks she helps people.The younger girls do not have so much money .she said but they want to wear fashionable clothes .Now fashion designers are becoming nervous one designer says.If Ms Anand doesn’t stop /we can lose out business
passage1 不仅是工作
Alex Mansfield 每天驾驶一辆红色跑车、穿着西装打着领带前去工作.他不是个商人,而是纽约最受欢迎的餐厅的服务生.这家餐厅的食物非常贵.Alex的薪水不多,但他通过客人的消费,赚得了一大笔钱.“对我而言,做一个服务生不仅是一份工作,也是一个事业.”,他说.餐厅的经理雇佣Alex是因为他很长的简历——Alex有15年的做服务生的经验.
Passage 2 Copying clothes
Seema Anand拥有一家每年赚两千万美元的公司.她认识Bill和Hillary Clinton.她的客户是著名的服装店,比如Macy’s Bloomingdale’s. 和 Forever20.Ms Anand不是一个著名的设计师,她贩卖昂贵的名牌服装的仿制品.
她的商业计划很简单:她去观看时装秀,如果她喜欢一条裙子,她就照下来.她将照片用电子邮件发送到印度.在印度,一个电脑程序将告诉工人如何制作这条裙子.三周内,仿制的裙子将进入美国市场,通常在正版裙子上市之前!Ms Anand的裙子的质量通常比正版的低,但它的价格也很低.例如, Ms Anand仿制的一条$ 760的裙子售价为$260.
Ms Anand并不担心被逮捕.她的公司完全是合法的.不同于伪造票据或是盗版软件,仿造一个时装设计并不违法.只有仿造一个商标或是品牌才是违法的.有些时装设计师因此而感到愤怒,他们希望政府禁止Ms Anand仿造他们的衣服.
Ms Anand认为她帮助了人们.“年轻女孩没有很多的钱,”她说,“但她们想要时尚的衣服.”现在,时装设计师感到了紧张.一个设计师说:“如果 Ms Anand 不停下来,他们也许会赔掉他们的公司.”