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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 17:57:00
Dear President Obama,You friends from the press,ladies and gentlemen:Very pleased to meet you friends from the press here,first of all on behalf of the Chinese government and people,Obama's state visit to China extended a warm welcome.I have just had a very good President Obama talks,the two sides on the development of Sino-US bilateral relations and common interest of major international and regional issues,in-depth exchange of views and reached broad consensus,the talks were frank,constructive,fruitful.President Obama and I agree that the current international situation continues to undergo complex and profound changes,global challenges of the growing nations of the world increasingly interdependent.To this end,the need to strengthen international cooperation.In the new situation,China and the U.S.concerning human peace and development in a series of important issues,share extensive common interests and broad development space.President Obama and I both spoke highly of the United States since the inauguration of the new government the development of Sino-US relations,agreed to proceed from a strategic height and long-term perspective,strengthen dialogue,exchanges and cooperation,work together to build the active cooperation of the world's 21-round Sino-US relations.And will take practical action to deal with common challenges to establish a solid partnership for the promotion of world peace,stability and prosperity.We all agree that to maintain close high-level exchanges between the two countries,and other consultations at all levels of dialogue,critical to the development of Sino-US relations,both sides agreed that the two leaders to continue through the exchange of visits,calls,communication,or in multilateral occasions meetings,etc.,to maintain close communication.The two sides spoke highly of Sino-US strategic economic dialogue mechanism in enhancing mutual trust and cooperation between the two countries play an important role,both sides will continue to implement the first round of this year,in July the outcome of the dialogue and an early start for next year's summer in the second round of the dialogue held in Beijing preparation.We are on the current international economic and financial situation and exchanged views that the current world economy has stabilized positive signs of recovery,but the recovery of the foundation is not solid.Both sides reaffirmed the field of macroeconomic policy will continue to strengthen dialogue and cooperation,adhere to the two countries through equal consultations and properly handle trade friction problem,and jointly safeguard the healthy and stable development of bilateral economic and trade relations.I told Obama stressed that the current situation,our two countries should have a more resolute manner,and oppose and resist all forms of protectionism.We are all made positive comments on the Group of 20 summit in response to the international financial crisis has played an important role in our two countries will work together with other members,the full implementation of the outcome of the summit continue to strengthen the Group of 20 of them in the global economic governance role in promoting the reform of the international financial system,improve global economic governance to prevent and respond to future crises.We agree with the expand bilateral cooperation in climate change,energy,environment,cooperation in the principle of common but differentiated and respective capabilities,based on the parties concerned with the promotion of a positive outcome of the conference in Copenhagen.The relevant departments of the two countries have signed the United States on the strengthening of climate change,energy and environmental cooperation memorandum of understanding and other cooperative documents prepared by,and officially launched the US-China Clean Energy Joint Research Center.President Obama and I have expressed willingness on the basis of mutual benefit to deepen bilateral counter-terrorism,law enforcement,science and technology,aerospace,civil aviation,high-speed railway infrastructure construction,agriculture,health and other fields,and to continue to promote the two armies relationships to achieve greater progress.We are also on the expansion of cultural exchanges between the two countries,especially the youth exchange was discussed and supported each other to establish cultural exchange mechanism,and strengthen cooperation in exchange of students.We are pledged to adhere to through dialogue and consultation to resolve the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue.Line,including China and the U.S.,including the common interests of all parties concerned,the two sides will work together with the parties concerned,adhere to the six-party talks on denuclearization of the peninsula and the process of maintaining peace and stability in Northeast Asia.We emphasize the maintenance of international non-proliferation regime through dialogue and negotiation,and properly resolve the Iranian nuclear issue,the maintenance of stability in the Middle East and the Gulf region is very important.During the talks,I told Obama stressed that the two countries with different national conditions,the existence of some differences is normal,the key is to respect and care for both the core interests and major concerns.China appreciates President Obama has repeatedly reaffirmed its adherence to the one-China policy,abide by the three Sino-US joint communiques,the Taiwan issue to respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.The two sides reaffirmed the leadership of mutual respect for sovereignty and integrity of this fundamental principle,the two sides do not support any forces to undermine the principle of any activity.We will continue the spirit of equality,mutual respect,mutual non-interference in internal affairs of the spirit,on human rights and religious issues such as dialogue and exchange in order to enhance understanding,reduce differences and expand consensus.Sino-US relations are very important to maintain and promote the Sino-US relations is the common responsibility of both sides.The Chinese side is willing to work together with the United States to promote the sustained,healthy and stable development of Sino-US relations in order to better benefit the peoples of the world.