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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 10:01:35
1.In Alaska,the ground is riddled with ice wedges,many quite ancient,caused by the cold earth cracks and the cracks fill with water.
B.by the cold earth cracking
C.when the cold earth cracks
D.where they crack the cold earth
E.through the cold earth,cracking
2.The acoustics of the ancient Greek theater at Epidaurus are so good that Aan actor's words,even when whisperedB,are auditoryC to those sittingD in the last row.No errorE
为什么选C?auditory 不是adj吗?
3.In "the big sea",Langston Hughes recounts Ahis childhood and early adulthood in language that isB as simple and direct as another CMissouri-born writer,one much Dadmired by Hughes,Mark Twain.
4.Bertha Lamme received her engineering drgree in 1893,which she then specialized professionally in the design of notors and generators.
b.1893,specializing as her profession
c.1893and,as a professional,specialized
5.For A any mayor of a vast metropolitan area,an understanding of B current issues in all districts is C not only desirous Dbut also vital.
6.Prior to A he election of Henery Cisneros as mayor B of San Antonio in 1981,no major city in the United States had had C a mayor from Mexican descent.D
7.Africa's Kanem empire,after enduring for A over a thousand years,is B believed to have fallen into decline C when trade centers shift D outside its boundaries.
8.Someone who uses a personal computer to perform only such tasks as world processing and sending e-mail need not C buy the most advanced model available on the market.
我觉得C need not 是错了的,someone who uses 已经说明了主语是单数,那need肯定是不加s了.那need not 这还会有什么错?
My roommate,a drama major,claimed that Ibsen's plays,unlike Ionesco,are totally coventional in their style.
1是真题08-05-S4 第8题,3分别是09-10-S6 的第28,29题,4是06-10-S10的11题,5是08-01的26题,6是10-05-S7的28题,7是06-05的25题,8是08-05-S4的27题,全都是真题里的。
请教一些SAT语法题,望有好心人帮忙解答,不甚感激!80 这些题都是记在错题本里的,纠结了好久都没能想出所以然来.望有人可以帮我解答,不甚感激!
1.In Alaska,the ground is riddled with ice wedge,many quite ancient,caused (by the cold earth cracks) and the cracks fill with water.
B.by the cold earth cracking
C.when the cold earth cracks
D.where they crack the cold earth
E.through the cold earth,cracking
答:caused后面是由when 引导的,由and连接的两个从句:the cold earth cracks and the cracks fill with water ,表示是‘在这两种情况下引起的’.
如果用by的话,则应为caused by A and B.(A,B为名词或名词性短语从句)但是原句中 the cracks后面fill用的是动词原形,是谓语,and 后面的是一个句子,所以前面就不能用by
2.The acoustics of the ancient Greek theater at Epidaurus are so good that an actor's words,even when whispered,are to those sitting in the last row.
答:正确答案是audible “可以听见的”
auditory是 听觉的 的意思
3.In "the big sea",Langston Hughes recounts his childhood and early adulthood in language that is as simple and direct 《as another》 Missouri-born writer,one much admired by Hughes,Mark Twain.
as another 为什么错了?
答:应该是as that of...A is as simple as B ,AB应为同类才可比较.这里A是that指代先行词language 而B是马克吐温是人,不能比,只能和that of.就是 马克吐温的语言比.
4.Bertha Lamme received her engineering degree in 《1893,which she then specialized professionally 》in the design of motors and generators.
(A) 1893,which she then specialized professionally
(B) 1893,specializing as her profession
(C) 1893 and,as a professional,specialized
(D) 1893,then,for a profession,specializes
(E) 1893,she has specialized as a professional
B 哪里错了?为什么选C?
答:此句意为:她1893年获engineering 学位,然后,作为一个professional,专攻(specialized in )发动机和发电机的设计.B.的错误在于:1.specialize in sth.是固定搭配,不用as.2.获得学位与专攻.是前后关系,不是同时的关系.
5.For any mayor of a vast metropolitan area,an understanding of current issues in all districts is not only 《 desirous 》but also vital.
6.Prior to the election of Henry Cisneros as mayor of San Antonio in 1981,no major city in the United States had had a mayor《 from Mexican descent》.
为什么说 from Mexican descent 错了?
答:应该是of Mexican descent 类似:a man of noble descent 贵族出身的人
an American of Chinese descent 华裔美国人
7.Africa's Kanem empire,after enduring for over a thousand years,is believed to have fallen into decline when trade centers 《shift 》 outside its boundaries.
8.Someone who uses a personal computer to perform only such tasks as world processing and sending e-mail need not C buy the most advanced model available on the market.
我觉得C need not 是错了的,someone who uses 已经说明了主语是单数,(那need肯定是不加s了.那need not 这还会有什么错?) 表达有误?此句无错!
答:need作情态动词时可以直接加not构成否定=needn't 与人称和数无关.只有当实义动词时,其否定式才为doesn't need to do sth.
My roommate,a drama major,claimed that Ibsen's plays,unlike Ionesco,are totally coventional in their style.
答:中学就学过,主过从过,时态一致,真理不变.如:The teacher said that the earth goes around the sun.
1是真题08-05-S4 第8题,2,3分别是09-10-S6 的第28,29题,4是06-10-S10的11题,5是08-01的26题,6是10-05-S7的28题,7是06-05的25题,8是08-05-S4的27题,全都是真题里的.