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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 16:09:10
独幕剧《过客》,截取了一个黄昏的村外场景,没有地点的转换和时间的推移.过客是一位坚持不懈的革命者的形象,作者仅通过 语言和简单的行动,刻画出过客的坚毅.
In the single-act play \" traveller\",it took place in a village at dawn,there is no alteration of place or time.Traveller represents a determined revolutionistic figure,the authur simply cast out the traveller\'s determination by acts and words.
Traveller \"Very dull eye sight,stubborn and persistent\",that\'s the description of character Lu Xun wrote in the introduction.It shows that the traveller already walked through many roads,and experienced a lot of things.This is just like the Old Fisherman Guo in \" Old man and the sea\",he was half-way along the trip,remained stubborn and arrogant before catching any fish.The traveller didn\'t know anything about where he came from,he name,and wehre he\'s eaded,the only thing he will do is keep walking.We can conclude that he came all the way without financial support,and rely on repetetively begging and asking for a spot to sleep at night to keep moving in his journey.