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求首字母填空答案“Super Girl” crown Li Yuchun appears on cover of one

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 17:09:57
“Super Girl” crown Li Yuchun appears on cover of one edition of Time Asia Magazine as one of the 25 Asia's Heroes of 2005.
Time Asia Magazine said the 21-year-old girl f____(只是一个单词,不识几个字母)China's Sichuan Province has become a new pop star for her boyish charm and natural temperament.Also,the m____ praised the contest's operation,which w____ any girl who wanted to show their songs to take part in it.The program a_____ a great number of audience to select their f_____ girls.
Responding to the slogan,"Super Girls,sings as you want!” ,more than 150000 women e_____ for the activity which started in February.
1)Tsunami is Japanese foe “harbour wave”.Oceanographers call tsunamis “seismic(地震的) sea waves”.That’s b____ they are usually caused by a sudden rise or fall of part of the earth’s crust(地壳) under the ocean.Less powerful tsunamis can be triggered(引发) by volcanic a____.They are most common in the Pacific Ocean.
A tsunamis is not a single wave,but a s____ of waves.They can travel a____ the ocean at speeds of more than 800 kilometres an hour.As the tsunami enters the shallows(浅水处) of a coastline,i____ speed slows but its height increases.A tsunami that is just a few centimeters or metres high can rise u____ to heights of 30 to 50 metres a_____ it hits the shore,and strikes with overwhelming(无法抗拒的) force.
2)But as middle school students,our main job is to study w_____.
3)Of course,there are also a lot of topics to avoid(避免) d_____ small talk in western countries.