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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 09:34:49
宾语从句:I don’t know where he will go.
主语从句:Where he will go is unknown.
表语从句:The problem is how we can get so much money.
同位语从句:We all feel sorry about the news that he failed in the game.
1. whether和if都可以引导宾语从句表达“是否”意,(即引导宾语从句时if和whether
(1) 引导主语从句,且在句首时.例:Whether he has won the tennis is not known.(但
It is not known whether/if he has won the tennis).
(2) 引导表语从句时.例The problem is whether he can get a job.
(3) 引导同位语从句时.例:I have no idea whether he will come.
(4) 介词后的whether从句.例:I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.
2. 位于句首引导主语从句的that不可忘.
例如:That he got the first place in the competition surprised all of us.
3. 在“It is suggested/proposed/ordered/a pity/no wonder/necessary/strange/…+
例如:It is suggested that we(should) improve the relations between us.
It is a pity that one(should) stay in one place all one´s life.
It is strange that she should have failed to see her own shortcomings(缺点).
4. 在“The reason why…is that…”句式中that不要误为because.
例如:The reason why he didn´t go to school yesterday is that he was ill.
5. 名词从句中that,what用法比较:
thing(s) that.
例如:It was told in yesterday´s newspaper that what the students had done was praised
by the factory.
I know that he will study.
I know what he will study.
That he works hard at his lessons is known to us all.
What he works hard at is known to us all.
All I ask is that you should tell the truth./He is not what(=the person that)he
used to be.他和以前大不相同了.
6. where在名词从句中的使用特点:
where在名词从句中有时可以变为“the place where”,有时可以变为“介词+the place where” 形式.例如:
主从:Where(=The place where)she has gone is still unknown.
宾从:Would you please tell me where(=the place where) Mr Smith lives?
表从:Your dictionary remains where(=in/at the place where)you put.
同位从:Have you any idea where(=of the place where) she is spending her holidays?
7. 无论是哪种名词从句都是陈述语序.例如:
I know where he lives./Please tell me what her name is.
What´s the matter with him? She asked me what was the matter with him.
Who looks after your grandfather? He asked me who looked after my grandfather.
1.They want to know ______ do to help us. (NMET)
A. what they can B. how they can C. how can they D. what can they
析:此题要选陈述语序项,故应排除C、D.又因how they can do不完整,do后无宾
语,故也应排除,只有A项既是陈述语序,且what they can do完整正确地表达出“他
2.His teacher ______ he ______ bright and ______ he was worth teaching.
A.didn’t think;was;that B.thought;was;whether
C.didn’t think;was;× D.thought;wasn´t;×
3.______ is done cannot be undone.
A.How B.That C.What D.Where
中作主语,不能在主语从句中作主语,也应排除.只有选what(=the thing that),才
4.Take care ______ you don´t make mistakes in the coming exam.
A.of that B.about that C.for what D.that
析:take care是“注意”、“当心”意,后面可跟that引导的宾语从句来表达“当心
5.To his surprise,the umbrella was not ______ he had put.
A.which B.where C.the place D.that
析:观察题干,was not后是表语,根据where在表语从句中相当于in/at the place where,
6.______ we can´t get seems better than ______ we have.
A.what;what B.what;that C.that;that D.that;what
“A seems better that B”结构,根据what=the thing(s) that这一特点,将其置
7.______ we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.
A.If B.Whether C.That D.Where
8.______ they are most interested in is ______ they can produce more and better
A.That;how B.What;how C.What;what D.That;that
9.He made a suggestion that the English test ______ until next Wednesday.
A.will be put off B.be put off C.will put off D.put off
该句中test与put off为被动关系,故选B.
10.I don´t think ______ he said something like that is right.
A.that B.what C.whether D.when
因为he said something like that已经含有主、谓、宾、状等成分,只有选不表意义,
一、 定语从句与引导词
1. 关系代词有:that,which,who,whom,whose,在定语从句中作主语、宾语中表语,whose
The man who helped you is Mr White.(who代人,在定语从句中作主语)
That is the person(whom/who/that) you want to see.(whom,who,that代人,在定
I´m not the fool(that) you thought me to be.(that代人,在定从中作表语)
A dictionary is a useful book which(=that) tells us the meaning of words(which
2. 关系副词有:when(指时间),where(指地点),why(指原因),在定语从句中作状语.
例如:Would you suggest a time(when) we can have a talk?(when可省略)
The house where they live is not very large./This is the reason why he did not came to the meeting.
注意:不是表时间的先行词都用when引导定从,不是表地点的先行词都用where引导定从.例如:We´ll visit the factory which(=that) makes radios.
They still remember the happy days(which/that) they spent in Beidaihe.
词;非限制性定语从句常用逗号和主句隔开,可以修饰主句中的某一个词,也可修饰整个句子.非限制性定语从句不能用that引导,引导非限制性定语从句的关系词不能省略.非限制性定语从句例:Li Ping´s father, who works in a factory, is an engineer./He tore up my photo, which made me very angry.(which指代主句内容,因前后两句是因果关系,此时which不可换为as.)
He is good at physics, as is known to us all.=As is known to us all, he is good at physics.(as指代主句内容,在as is known/believed, as we all know/believe这类结构中as不可换为which)
三、 只用that引导和不用that引导的场合
1. 只用that引导和不用that引导的场合
1) 当先行词既包括人又包括物时:He talked about the men and the books that attracted
2) 指物的先行词被any, every, only, very, all, no等修饰时:These are the very points that interest me./That´s the only watch that I like most.
3) 指物的先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时:The first step that we are to take is very difficult./This is the second card that he gave me.
4) 先行词是指物的不定代词all,little,few,much,及everything,anything,nothing等时:There is still much that can be done about it./Have you got everything that you need?
5) 先行词是who时:Who that have seen him does not like him?
2. 不用that的场合如下:
1)非限制性定语从句中 Last night ,I saw a very good film,which was about the Long
March .
2)介词放在关系代词之前时 This is the man from whom I learnt the news
3)句中出现了that,或先行词是that时 I have found that which I was looking for.
1. 介词的确定应依据定语从句中短语的习惯性搭配,例如:Who is the girl with whom you just shook hands?(shake hands with…是习惯性搭配)
2. 介词常受先行词的制约(即介词和先行词的搭配),例如:He built a telescope through which he could study the skies.(through which 即through the telescope)
3. 当关系代词作“动词+介词”固定短语的宾语时,此时因定短语中的介词不能拆开移到关系代词前.例如:This is the watch which you´re looking for./He is a kind of man whom you can safely depend on.
1. situation后常用where,in which引导定语从句:Can you imagine a situation where/in
which you can use the word?
2. way(方式,方法)后常用in which或that或how引导定语从句,也可省略:Do you know the way(in which/that/how) he worked out the problem?
3. “the same+名词”,“such+名词”,“as+名词”后通常用as引导定语从句.
例如:I have the same dictionary as you(have)./Such a book as you bought is not worth buying.
1. The best work ______ Luxun wrote and ______ I have read has been made into a film.
A.which;that B.that;× C.×;that D.×;×
2. It was in 1969 ______ two Americans got to the moon by space ship.
It was 1969 ______ two Amerians got to the moon by space ship.
A.when B.which C.that D.×
析:第一句是强调时间in 1969,强调结构是“It was+强调部分+that句”,故应选C.第二句It是表时间的,先行词1969在从句中作状语,故选A.
3. Is this the house ______ Shakespeare was born?
A.at which B.which C.in which D.at where
析:观察题目,空白处只有填in which或where才能表达“这是莎士比亚出生的房子吗?”这一意思,故答案为C.
4. Is this house ______ Shakespeare was born?
A.where B.which C.in which D.at which
析:将此句变为陈述句;This house is ______ Shakespeare was born.显然is后是一表语从句,只有选where(=the place where)才能表达“这是莎士比亚的出生地”这一意思,故答案为A.
5. In the dark street,there wasn’t a single person ______ she could turn for
A.to whom B.of whom C.from whom D.that
析:“介词+关系代词”要考虑短语搭配或与先行搭配,这道题短语turn to有关,故
6. The two things ______ they felt very proud were Jim´s gold watch and Della´s
A.about which B.of which C.in which D.for which
析:涉及be/feel proud of短语,故答案为B.
7. Have you ever asked him the reason ______ may explain his being late.
A.why B.that C.for which D.what
析:此题易误选A、C,因为先行词是the reason,但细观察分析,定语从句缺少主语,所以答案是B.注意what不能引导定语从句.
8. Farming is difficult ______ there is no rain.
A.where B.in place C.that D.the place where
析:因为difficult是形容词,故其后不是定语从句.这儿的空白处应填引导状语从句where(=in the place where),全句表达“在没有雨水的地方耕种困难”.这一意思,可见答案为A.
9. We need the same machine ______ in your factory.
A.which is being used B.as is being used
C.that is being used D.as it is being used
析:根据“the same+先行词”后跟as引导定语从句的原则,可知答案为B.
10.______ the people,not things ______ are most important.
A.There are;who B.Those are;that C.It is;that D.It was;who
句的判断是否正确时,只要将“It is (或was)…that”这三个词去掉,剩下部分读
起来正确无误,则证明判断是正确的,反之是错误的.此题如不填“It is…that”
三词,句子是The people,not things are most important.语义完整正确,说明选