作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 11:53:56
4PALRWORK 请帮我下下面的话变成英文谢谢.有一天,在一家商店里,Ben和Tim看到了一个小偷,这个小偷偷了一瓶水,然后急匆匆的离开了商店,在BUS STOP前等车,Ben和Tim一路跟踪过来,并且把整个事情的原委告诉了女警察,最后,女警察在Ben和Tim的帮住下抓住了小偷 可怜的小偷哭了
One day,Ben and Tim saw a thief in a shop.The thief stoled a bottle of water,then left the shop hurrily and waited before the bus stop.Ben and Tim followed him the whole way and told the whole thing to a policewoman.At last,the policewoman catched the thief with Ben and Tim 's
help.The poor thief cryed.