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英语几个选择题The boss wanted an assistant with knowledge of French

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 22:01:33
The boss wanted an assistant with knowledge of French and work experience.
A. the; aB. 不填; the C. a; 不填 D. the; 不填
22. is expected that it will be fine tomorrow, when we can do some outdoor
A. AsB. It C. ThatD. Which
24. you turn off all the lights when you leave the classroom.
A. Making sureB. To make sureC. Being sureD. Make sure
25. — I regret to say that I have shouted at you the other day.
— Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself.
A. shouldn'tB. mustn'tC. couldn'tD. mightn't
28. I stayed there for only two days but felt like two weeks.
A. itB. whatC. whenD. then
29. The plan just because people were unwilling to cooperate (合作).
A. broke downB. pulled downC. turned downD. put down
30. Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet life has developed gradually.
A. thatB. whereC. whichD. whose
31. We can communicate people in every part of the world the Internet.
A. with; withB. with; through
C. through; throughD. through; with
32. A small car is big enough for a family of three you need more space for baggage.
A. onceB. in caseC. ifD. unless
33. Though money, his parents still managed to send him to university.
A. lackedB. lack C. lacking D. lacks
35. — Mr. Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon. Don't you forget it!
— Ok, I .
A. won'tB. don'tC. willD. do
1.D knowledge后面有修饰语,所以用the;而工作经验是泛指
22.B it是形式主语
24.D 祈使句
25.A 虚拟
28.A 指代前面整个句子
29.C 计划被拒绝
30.B Where=on which(the planet)
31.B Communite with 固定词组 通过因特网用through
32.D 一辆小车足够一家三口坐了,除非需要地方放行李.
33.C 虽然缺钱,但是他父母还是想方设法送他上大学
35.D 这个不能用中文的思维来做.必须前后一致,用do.