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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 20:00:57
Venice, built AD 452. Eighteenth-century trading center for the Adriatic Sea. The tenth century the Republic had established cities, the Middle Ages the Mediterranean's most prosperous trading centers. The new air route opened, due to European business centers decline gradually moved to the Atlantic coast. Incorporated into the Kingdom of Italy in 1866. Industry and commerce developed, there are aluminum, chemicals, coke, fertilizer, oil refining, iron and steel industries. The production of jade jewelry crafts, glassware, flower leather goods, lace, embroidery waiting for that. On land Marghella Hong Kong is an important oil port and passenger port. Well-known tourist center, there were 3 million tourists. St. Mark's Square is the ancient city center, around the square stands the Cathedral, the Clock Tower and other Byzantine and Renaissance buildings. 2 kilometers offshore of the linear sand - is Europe's most famous Lido Beach.
Venice is a beautiful water city and its architecture to build the city in the most unlikely place - the water, Venice is always guided by the style of "water", winding Water Alley, the flow of Shiba, she is like a floating in the ocean waves on the romantic dream, lingering a long time poetic. The city, there was once Europe-wide hold the most powerful of human, material and power. According to legend, the history of Venice began in AD 453; time Venice local farmers and fishermen in order to avoid cool addicted sword of the nomads, in turn avoiding to this island in the Adriatic Sea. Venice looks like a dolphin, urban area of less than 7.8 square kilometers, but by the 118 islands, 177 canals, like cobweb clouds In the meantime, these small islands and canals from about 401 then connected to a wide variety of bridges decorated. Long Beach, the city rely on a peninsula connected with the Italian mainland.
Piazza San Marco Venice, where building up the water way is to first on the soil under the water lay a large wooden blocks, wooden blocks or a side by side, which is the foundation, lay a solid foundation, and covered with wood, then build a house, where the are all the house is so built. So, It is said that Venice is a city of stone above, here is the forest. The year for the construction of Venice, northern Italy, chopped finished the whole forest. This house, or worry about underwater rotten wood, and it will not be rotten, and is becoming larger and hard, has become more solid. Prior to the archaeological excavations by Marco Polo �� The house, dug up the wood hard as iron, water oxygen until after Xiu met.
Venice fertile alluvial soil, locally and drawn stones, together with the adjacent interior of wood to do exchanges during the boat; in mud, in water ancestors were built in Venice. This less than 8 square kilometers of city, but was more than 100 of cobweb-like clouds block the canal carved more than 100 islands, the islands scattered between the bridge just by all kinds of connections, had just arrived soon be lost in this "Water City" in. Fortunately, there was S-shaped Grand Canal runs through the city. Along this is known as "the longest street in Venice," the essence of Venice offers a good view without having to worry about getting lost. Along the coast near 200 palaces, mansions and seven churches, mostly built in the 14 to 16 century, thanks to Feng court style, Gothic style, baroque style, Venetian-style, etc., all of the building foundations are submerged in the water to see if water rising up like an art gallery. Ordinary day of the Grand Canal as it did in the streets of a bustling, like all kinds of vessels are plying the shuttle on it, the most chic of course, gondolas.
Venice was destroyed by fire in the rebirth of the Phoenix Opera House again, the great Renaissance and Byzantine architecture, one of the world's most beautiful squares - Piazza San Marco, it was suffocating corridors of the United States, the master Antonioni's best films Some paragraphs in here shooting; Here is a Renaissance town, producing over history, one of the most important school of painting: Venetian school of painting; German musician Richard �� Wagner, passed away here in this city of former ... ... The glory and dreams through the well-preserved architectural abnormalities extended to today, it will give visitors a unique atmosphere, feeling as though by magic, so that those who came to the Venice tourists are obsessed with parting, enjoyable. 威尼斯公元452年兴建.八世纪为亚得里亚海贸易中心.十世纪曾建立城市共和国,中世纪为地中海最繁荣的贸易中心之一.新航路开通后,因欧洲商业中心渐移至大西洋沿岸而衰落.1866年并入意大利王国.工商业发达,有炼铝、化学、炼焦、化肥、炼油、钢铁等工业.以生产珠宝玉石工艺品、玻璃器皿、花皮革制品、花边、刺绣等著称.陆上的马尔盖拉港是重要油港和客运港.驰名的旅游中心,年有3百万游客.古老的圣马可广场是城市活动中心,广场周围耸立着大教堂、钟楼等拜占庭和文艺复兴时期的建筑物.离岸2公里处的线状沙洲-利多是欧洲最著名的海滨浴场.