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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 00:14:27
语言是社会的产物,文化的载体,能反映一个民族的特征,蕴涵着该民族对生活的态度、看法及其价值观念和思维方式;包括性别歧视在内的种种社会现象必然在语言中有所体现。语言中的性别歧视现象是一个由来已久的社会问题,在很大的程度上对女性进行贬低和诋毁,它是女性在男性社会中处于附属地位、受到不公平待遇的反映。如今,语言与性别的关系,语言中的性别因素已成为社会语言学研究的重要课题之一。本文通过介绍英语中的性别歧视的各种表现形式及其对社会产生的影响,来分析产生性别歧视现象的种种原因,并总结了在英语语言运用过程中消除性别歧视的方法,从而提高人们对这一现象的认识,更好地理解语言、性别与社会三者之间的关系,促进语言朝着男女平等的方向演变。 (不要在线翻译)
Language is a social product,the carrier of culture,can reflect the characteristics of a nation,implies that the national attitude toward life,views and values and ways of thinking; including gender discrimination in various social phenomena must be in the language expression.Language of gender discrimination is a long-standing social problem,to a large extent to belittle and denigrate women,it is a woman in a male in a subordinate position in society,being a reflection of unfair treatment.Today,the relationship between language and gender,language,the gender factor has become an important research topic in linguistics.This paper describes in English the various manifestations of gender discrimination and its impact on society,to analyze the phenomenon of gender discrimination for various reasons,and summarized in the English language the process of applying the method to eliminate gender discrimination in order to raise awareness of the understanding of this phenomenon,a better understanding of language,gender and the relationship between the community and promote the evolution of language toward the direction of gender equality.