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翻译成英文1. 明天下午我们不去看电影了,改去看篮球决赛了.(instead)2. 昨天晚餐我们没有吃面条,吃了饺子.(

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 13:42:23
1. 明天下午我们不去看电影了,改去看篮球决赛了.(instead)
2. 昨天晚餐我们没有吃面条,吃了饺子.(instead of)
3. 最后,我们决定改乘飞机去大连.
4. 如果你想要加入我们的旅行,请尽快告知我们.
We won't watch the film tomorrow afternoon,but will go to the basketball final instead.
We had dumpling instead of noodles yesterday evening.
At last,we decided to go to Dalian by plane instead.
If you want to join our trip,please let us know as soon as possible.
再问: 5. Mike说我们学校的足球队在上半场比赛中表现不行,但下半场情况好转了。 6. 每个人旅行的花费一百多元。 7. 别爬那么高,否则会伤到自己的。 8. 幸运的是,我们最终依靠自己的力量解决了那个难题。
再答: Mike said that our school football team didn't do well in the first half, but were much better in the latter half. The trip cost each person one hundred Yuan. Don't climb so high; otherwise, you will get hurt. Luckily, we solve the difficult problem on our own.