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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/18 17:54:06
I once travelled to a beautiful place all by myself and stayed there for 5 days and 4 nights.
That was the first time I experienced living away from home alone, but I was already seventeen years old. In order to have a happy and safe trip, I selected the target place in advance at home, prepared and checked all the things that I had to bring along and roughly estimated the amount of money for the travelling expenditure.
When everything was ready, I bade farewell to my family and began my journey. How naive was I to think that everything had been fully prepared ! As a matter of fact, I almost boarded the wrong train and I could not get a hotel room when I reached the destination. Alone in an alien place with no friends around and no place to spend the night, I was really terrified and almost in tears.
Many hotels were fully occupied due to the influx of countless tourists. However, I finally managed to secure a room after searching persistently for a long time. I went straight to bed without taking a meal; yes, this was because I was wiped out looking for a hotel room from noon to evening. Later, I was awakened by hunger in the early morning; after filling up my stomach, I started out on my journey according to my planned route.
During these few days, I lost my camera, my cap was blown away, I suffered a cut on my thigh which I didn’t even know by what. However, all these didn’t dampen my spirit, I still felt extremely happy. Despite the confusion, my growing-up during the course of this trip was very obvious. I had learnt how to take care of myself, how to properly manage my things and always watch out for dangers; this experience had offered a good training for my self-managing capability. I am very grateful to that period of time, a wonderful reminiscence of mine.
英语翻译我曾经单独出游,到一个很美的地方旅游5天4夜.那是我第一次自己一个人在外生活,但是那时候我已经17岁了.为了能既 英语翻译:1.我喜欢住在很美的地方.2.那是我奶奶生活了30年的地方.3.我正考虑学好英语. 英语翻译在20年以后,我已经33岁了.那时候我将会成为一个大企业家.因为那会让我过上衣食无忧的生活.我将有自己的大公司. 英语翻译中国会在3月5号上映那部电影,但是那时候我已经开学了.这几天忙着拜年,但是有得到压岁钱哦.我下午换了一副新的眼镜 英语翻译记得去年暑假我第一次去深圳的时候,那时候的一次经历是我永远铭记(impressed).那次是我自己一个人在深圳第 英语翻译我曾经看过我爸爸年轻时候的照片,非常帅气,但是现在他为了让我们的家庭过的更幸福,经常工作到很晚,已经长了许多白头 谁能跟我介绍一下晋朝到南北朝之间的历史. 我看南北朝的历史,开始是刘裕的宋,但是我看那时候已经有了, 英语翻译我知道,我曾经以为自己已经成熟了.但是今天经历了这件事,我发现自己真的很傻.离你心目中的“成熟”还有很远的距离. 我的第一次煞笔抢走了那是我上初一时被她上了他是一个特别贱的女孩.我那时候小 最后我的第一次就给他了 现在我 非常后悔 你 英语翻译曾经我有一个梦想,尽管我知道这个梦想很难实现,但是我依旧为了这个梦想而不停的去奋斗.现在我的这个梦想实现了,但是 英语翻译过去,我曾经迷惘,曾经失落,但是那已经是过去,现在,我相信我不再迷惘,因为我的信念,为了所爱的人,为了想往的梦, 英语翻译再见我的爱,这是一个充满美好回忆的梦,但是现在这个梦,已经醒了,曾经你是我的一切.