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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 13:07:53
This works for the six-storey structure of brick buildings with a total height of 19.8 m.Form the basis for concrete strip foundation,floor and beam a cast-in-place reinforced concrete panels,boards,cast-in-place overall beam,the walls are located along the 240 mm circle beam.The structural design is based on architectural design of the map.Most main classified into four.First:masonry part of a high wall thickness than checking,vertical wall bearing capacity of checking,cross checking wall bearing capacity,the beam of masonry partial pressure checked and designed Pad.Second:concrete part of the plate,beams,columns were reinforced.Third:detail design,including the main staircase,Yu Peng,Tiaoyan the design.Fourth:the construction of the seismic design.The design of ± 0.000 and above only part of the design,not the basement and foundation design.Design plans for the construction of the floor,walls,stairs,and other practices are not clear,the design of the structure of the unknown are designed.
Key words:
Structural design of high thick than checking; capacity checked; reinforcement; Earthquake Resistant Design
英语翻译摘要本工程为六层砖混结构住宅楼,总高度为19.8m.基础形式为混凝土条形基础,楼板、梁采用钢筋混凝土现浇板,板、 我工程采用条形基础,基础大放脚宽为1.5m,基槽深度为2.6m,采用放坡施工,边坡比1:1. 本工程采用墙下条形基础(或柱下独立基础),基底设不少于1m厚灰土垫层,基础施工前必须将杂填土清除干净,然后采用二八灰土回 什么时候采用刚性条形基础,什么时候又需要采用钢筋混凝土条形基础呢!基础的选择到底是根据什么来的,谢 某框架结构工程现浇钢筋混凝土梁,混凝土设计强度等级为 C30,施工要求混凝土坍落度为30~50mm,根据施工单位历史资料 建筑基础墙高计算砖混结构条形基础,条基内外砖墙上都设置了圈梁,圈梁顶部标高为-0.09,请问在计算条基砖墙高度时,是按照 土方量计算基础为砖大放脚带形基础,垫层宽度为920mm,挖土深度为1.8m,基础总长度为1590.6m,根据施工方案土方 英语翻译会计电算化系统的设计与实现——财务管理子系统摘要本系统是以会计学的基本理论为基础,我国会计电算化的管理体制为约束 英语翻译摘要:本实验是以植物细胞全能性为基础,以Liger和LA基因型的番茄种子为材料,应用植物组织培养技术,获得番茄幼 基础大放脚的高度为多少? 某钢筋混凝土矩形截面简支梁的尺寸b×h=250×550mm,跨度l0=5.0m;混凝土的强度等级为C30,采用HRB33 请问某混凝土梁的跨度为8米,采用木模板,钢支柱支模时,混凝土梁跨中的起拱高度为?