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英语翻译Within NIST,the Measurement and Standards Program provid

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 01:30:54
Within NIST,the Measurement and Standards Program provides technical leadership for the U.S.measurement and standards infrastructure,and assures the availability of essential reference data and measurement capabilities.To effectively carry out its metrology mission,NIST competes for resources in a context of budgetary constraint that has changed dramatically over the last several years.Until relatively recently,the strength of U.S.R&D depended on the commitment of the government to maintain a stable R&D portfolio at the federal level.During the Cold War,the motivation of national security was strong enough to justify a substantial government role in research and technology development.Now this compelling driver that forged a bipartisan commitment to science and technology has disappeared.
The effect can be seen in the leveling off of federal investment in defense R&D (see Fig.1).Initially there was a corresponding increase in non-defense R&D funding,but over the last few years our total investment is flat,even in current dollars,at approximately $70 billion for 1997 [2].In reality only $41 billion of that is what could be referred to as science and technology base.The rest ($29 billion) is invested in short-term projects unique to specific defense weapons systems,with limited usefulness to the general economy.Of the $41 billion,nearly one-third is spent on health related research.
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Fig.1.U.S.federal R&D funding trends (current $) [2].
Thus the U.S.federal investment in every other field of science and technology,from physics and materials to computing and communications,from energy and environment to software and simulation,is only $28 billion out of the total federal budget of about $1.7 trillion.The U.S.government’s decision to balance the budget also makes it increasingly difficult for the R&D enterprise to continue to claim the level of public resources to which it has become accustomed.
At the same time,while the U.S.explores ways to reduce technology investments,Japan is increasing its R&D investments (Fig.2).Japanese total public and private R&D spending as a percent of GDP already exceeds that of the U.S.In non-defense R&D,Japan’s relative investment is larger than that of the United States.We also note with interest the Japanese Science and Technology Plan of 1996,which urged the government to double its science and technology budget within 5 years,spending $155 billion between 1996 and 2000,of which 95% would be targeted at civilian technologies [3].
效果可以看到,在平整过的联邦投资在国防研发(见图1 ) .最初有一个相应增加非国防研发经费,但在过去数年,我们的投资总额并不都是平坦的,即使是在目前美元,约为700亿美元,为1997年[ 2 ] .在现实中,只有410亿美元的,这是可以被称为科学和技术基础.其余( 290亿美元) ,投资于短期项目,以独特的具体防卫武器系统,其作用有限,以整体经济.的410亿美元,近三分之一是用于卫生方面有关的研究.
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图.1 .美国联邦政府研发经费趋势(目前美元) [ 2 ] .
在同一时间内,而美国也探讨如何降低技术投资,日本正在增加其研发投资(图2 ) .日本共有公共和私人的研发支出占国内生产总值已经超过了美国在非国防研发,日本的相对投资大于对美国.我们还注意到,有兴趣的日本科学和技术计划的1996年,其中敦促政府双重其科技预算的5年内,这方面的开支155000000000美元1996年至2000年,其中95 %将针对民用技术[ 3 ] .