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1 The student has won two such gold medals,( )second to none

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 19:33:47
1 The student has won two such gold medals,( )second to none in the lase two competitions,( )all of his classmates adore and dertermine to learn from.
Athe that
B/ as
Ca for
D/ because
不清楚as是不是只有在the same as 中才可以做宾语
2 Every year many famers go off to the coastal cities,( )more money there.
这里的答案是(hoping to make),答案说是伴随状语而不是目的状语,但是我觉得另一个选项in order to make更恰当.
第一题选择 B 不填/ as
1)第一空后的 second to none 是成语,意思是“首屈一指的/ 最好的”,前面不能用定冠词.
+主语是 all of his classmates
+adore and dertermine 是并列谓语动词
+不定式 to learn from 是 dertermine 的宾语
+空白处应该用关系代词作并列谓语动词 adore and dertermine to learn from 的宾语.
+由于用从句逗号隔开的,因此属于非限制性定语从句,这种从句的关系代词不能用 that,只能用 which 或 as,which 用来指代一个先行词,而 as 用来指代前面说过的一个句子,在本句中 as 指代前面的整个句子 The student has won two such gold medals.as 引导的定语从句等于下面改写的复合句:
All of his classmates adore and dertermine to learn from that he student has won two such gold medals.
关于关系代词 as 的用法:
1)[用在 such...as; the same...as 结构中,表示“象...一样”
As is well known,there is not much hope.众所周知,希望并不大.
The statemant reads in full As follows:(后面是 as 指代的一段意思)声明全文如下,
1.用 hoping to make 是分词短语陪衬句子中 go off to the coastal cities 的伴随情况,即“怀着赚取更多钱的希望前往沿海城市”,表示的是一种尝试的心情.
+并列谓语--Every year many famers go off to the coastal cities and minewhile hope to make more money there.
+从句--Every year many famers go off to the coastal cities and minewhile,while they hope to make more money there
2.用 in order to make 表示 go off to the coastal citie 的目的,即“为了赚得更多的钱前往沿海城市”,表示的则是确信的心情.