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地震前的预兆 英文用英文写

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地震前的预兆 英文
Rock under stress in the gradual accumulation of stress and strain, the process of strengthening,be near the source material, and physics, chemistry, biology, meteorology and other anomalies.We call these earthquakes is often linked to the occurrence of abnormal changes phenomenon of earthquake precursors (also called seismic anomalies).It includes micro-earthquake macro-seismic anomalies and abnormal two categories.(1) the seismic anomaly macro sensory aware of the seismic anomaly can direct the macro earthquake anomalies.Earthquake unusual manifestations are diverse and complex, as many as several hundred types of abnormal, the abnormal phenomenon as many as several thousand.Groundwater can be roughly divided into : abnormal biological abnormality to voice disorders, to the unusual optical, electromagnetic anomalies, such as abnormal weather.1, ground water, including groundwater wells anomalies, such as springs.Abnormal development of the main scene, bubbling, double flowers, temperature, color, Falling-off, suddenly rise, drop and borehole deformation of the ground or other source of the sudden depletion.Well, people have come up with changes before an adage : water is a treasure, earthquake precursors.No rain muddied spring, are so well run.Water movements, bubbling double flowers.Some change color, flavor and some change.2, the biological abnormality of certain organs feel particularly sensitive animals.know ahead of it than some human disaster incidents, such as the mid-ocean jellyfish predict the stormMine collapse or rats in advance to avoid harmful gases and so on.As for the visual, auditory, tactile, vibration Cox, Cox balance organ, which has played a major role,What began in the supporting role of judge, may be different for different animals.Associated with earthquakes and the physics, chemistry (vibration, electricity, magnetic, meteorology and water radon anomalies, etc.)Some animals often make some sensory stimulation caused by the abnormal reaction.If a regional gravity variation, some animals may feel organ will be able to balance it; An abnormal vibration.some animals may be able to detect up to the hearing organ.Underground rock in the sun before the earthquake has been slow, showing wiggle stateand continue to have a strong level of friction between them.therefore argue that the fault surface friction will only have a few to more than 10 times per second.Hearing people can feel lower than low-frequency acoustic waves.People should be able to feel that the acoustic waves over 20 times per second, and the animal is not.Very sensitive to the feelings of those animals, feelings of this acoustic, will be terrified, which led to the snake out of its hole winter.Love the water, cows and pigs jump circle, the dog cried wolf sounds and other anomalies.Many types of unusual animals, livestock, poultry and animals live in a cave, hibernating animals, fish and so on.Animal unusual circumstances, people have a few jingle summed up well before the animal Youyuzhao : Lan, a mass monitoring and prevention is very important.Not be sheep mule barn, the pigs do not eat dog biting.Not duck trouble down the shore, the chicken sometimes called loudly tree.The things the snake out of its hole, the rats running Diaozhe mice.Once again rabbit bouncing plane, Love surface fearful jump.Honeybee Population relocation trouble to realize, not homing pigeons Flush.Observation of the families, the report found very soon.In addition, some plants have abnormal reaction before the earthquake, not the season germination, flowering,The results or other large-scale death and abnormal overgrowth.3, weather anomalies often described earthquake prediction technology is "the possession of days under management, middle management air."This is indeed justified.Before the earthquake, there are often abnormal weather.Lan, a former major hot, agitated people anxious, it had not rained in spring or Yin Yu, Huang Wu four Cypriot daylight dark and strange rage,June hail and so on.4, refers to abnormal seismic sound exceptionally sound before the voice from the ground floor.Thunderous sounds like a hit, as heavy trucks, high winds excited to Jordan.When the quake occurred, a P-wave radiation from the source, spread along the ground, air audible vibration.As the P-wave velocity larger but weaker momentum, it just sounds, and feel the earth was moving, the need to transverse wave action can only be felt.Therefore, the epicenter often "Every Lan first, where noise, saw the inspired gas, such as tripods with boiling water holds" the record.If the epicenter and magnitude quake voice to be heard often.To the sound of the underground rock structure, structure and content of the liquid, the gas changes,A considerable proportion to sing is a sign of impending.To master may sound knowledge of earthquake prediction has a good preventive effect.5, refers to the anomaly before the earthquake-exceptionally bright from the underground, the variety of colors,Mixed rare color can be seen in daily life, such as silver-blue, purple white, but red and white; its pattern varied,a band, spherical, cylindrical, and so diffuse.- The general scope of a larger, more hours to a few minutes before the earthquake there that lasted several seconds.China Haicheng, Longling, Tangshan, such as Songpan earthquake earthquakes are a colorful and luminous phenomenon.To-accompanied by earthquakes, landslides, landslides, collapse or Sandblasting with water, natural phenomena such as jet simultaneously.Standing along the fault zone or a region for a regular migration, and synchronization with other macro and micro abnormal,crustal movement and its causes are always closely related.And surface geological and atmospheric conditions are subject to state control and is capable of action or, plants of varying degrees of harm.We now have to grasp the anomaly, in a few seconds to one minute before earthquakes.If Haicheng earthquake, Lancang and Gengma earthquake so to collect a similar report.6, refers to abnormal seismic anomaly to the former gas from underground mist, or spray or fog to.This mist, with white, black, yellow and other colors, sometimes colorless, often in the past few days to a few minutes before earthquakes occur.often accompanied by the peculiar, sometimes accompanied by noise or with a high temperature.7, the earth before the earthquake is very unusual land and the ground shaking.Earthquake ground vibration, is well known phenomenon.However, the earthquake has not occurred before, and sometimes also feel the ground shaking, shaking with earthquakes, swinging has been very slow,seismograph recorded less than normal, but a lot of people can feel.The land of the most significant anomalies in the February 4, 1975 Haicheng earthquake 7.3 on the Richter scale,From late December 1974 to the end of 1975 one in Dandong, Kuandian, worth Shenyang.Xiuyan land and other occurred 17 times.8, referring to the dark exceptionally dark anomalies on the ground before the earthquake there Bulge.February 6, 1973 7.9 earthquake in Sichuan Luhuo about six months ago.Ganzi County, a dam lawn tractors appeared to drum shape, as soon deduction Iron Pot, 20 cm high.surrounded by intermittent cracks disappeared a few days later and said, repeatedly, until the earthquake.To the dark and there is very similar to the cracks, such as land subsidence.9, refers to electromagnetic anomalies before the earthquake appliances such as radios electromagnetic anomalies, TVs, fluorescent and so abnormal.Electromagnetic radio failure is the most common abnormality in the northern region before the earthquake picture tubes are more common.July 28, 1976 Tangshan earthquake of 7.8 days ago, Tangshan and its adjacent areas a lot of radio failurelarge ignored the small voices suddenly, sometimes without, FM closed, sometimes for noise.The same is Tangshan earthquake, the city was closed to see the bright fluorescent night after the first flush,Beijing was closed fluorescent bed, but still advised endless lights.Electromagnetic anomalies will also include a number of electrical equipment was not working, such as abnormal microwave stations, radio factory interference.such as malfunctioning electronic alarm clocks.Macro seismic anomalies in the short-term prediction of earthquake prediction in particular play an important roleLiaoning Haicheng earthquake 7.3 on the Richter scale in 1975 and 1976 Songpan, peace force 7.2 earthquake.Seismic workers and the masses have observed that a large number of macroeconomic anomaly.The success of these two earthquake forecasting important information.However, it also should be noted that a variety of macroeconomic phenomena, as outlined above, may be caused by a variety of reasons, are not necessarily earthquake victory.For example : wells and springs on the amount of rainfall and the fluctuation may also may be affected by the nearby pumping, and the construction of drainage,Falling-off might well change due to the pollution caused by the unusual animals might change with the weather, disease, heat,incentives and other outsiders, we should pay attention not to arc welding, lightning mistakenly think the light should not be mistaken to Mr. Sheng,fireworks and flares should not get angry as underground ball.Once the abnormal natural phenomenon and should not be lightly made immediately to the earthquake in the conclusion, we should not panic.Instead, we should understand the unusual phenomenon of the time, place and circumstances to protect the scene and report to the government departments or earthquakes.Let the professionals to investigate and verify the seismological departments to find out the truth.(2) the micro-seismic anomalies were not aware of the senses.Only specialized equipment, the measurement of abnormal seismic anomaly known as a micro-earthquakes, including the following categories :seismic anomaly : a certain relationship between the size of the earthquake.Although there are not many major earthquake, but many small earthquakes to study the characteristics of small earthquakes.It may help predict future earthquake happening.Anomaly : terrain before the earthquake, the epicenter of the quake was near the small crustal deformation may occur.there may be some small rocks on both sides of the fault displacement, using sophisticated equipmentThis can detect very slight changes, the analysis of such information can help people predict the next earthquake occurred.In the process of change : geophysical seismic, and around the source area may be some changes in the physical properties of rocks.Gravity measured using sophisticated equipment, electric and geomagnetic changes can help people predict earthquakes.Underground fluid changes : groundwater (wells, springs, underground rock and the water), oil and gas,and storage underground rock may also have some other gas, which are underground fluid.Determination of the chemical composition of equipment and some underground fluid variables, the study changes can help people predict earthquakes.August 10, China A magnitude 5.6 earthquake occurred in the city of Zhaotong in Yunnan, killed more than 600 people were killed in the disaster in serious condition.Obviously, the casualties and economic losses caused by the earthquake are enormous, especially in the development of high technology today.it is really no way to predict such natural disasters?Recently, after a long-time observer of Russian scientists found that the reptiles have magical "third eye"could predict the occurrence of an earthquake.Animals can forecast the earthquake, a lot of people seem to have a consensus.Some frequent earthquakes in the region and the state to monitor the daily performance of animals has become a means of earthquake prediction.Recently, in Yalta in the Crimea, Russia earthquake biological testingScientists have discovered the lizard's "third eye" can "see" a signal that the low-frequency magnetic earthquake.Testing is a little piece of the slope, which leads to a foot of a mountain in the seaside highway.Here is rock lizards and snakes lizards and other reptiles habitat, as well as where they usually get through the winter.18 years, the test director Sergei Shalygin walk through here every day.In general, he will often meet here is not the residents, because they live out sunbathing,usually mutual interval 20-25 meters away.Once situations, the reptile would have to leave the hiding place, then snake lizards can be seen almost everywhere.Those who live in earthquake-prone areas on Earth residents, a set of ancient and the ability to predict earthquakes.Shi-Hong Sun 30 years of earthquake experts said, "There are many types of animals Youyuzhao before the earthquake.CAS, the survey conducted by the 1970s the number of host animals, including livestock and wild animals,58 species of animals before earthquakes in the relatively unusual indeed. For instance, cats, dogs, panda, fish, snakes, rats and antsbees and so on. underground animals such as rats, snakes, animals feel more sensitive than on the ground.feeling more sensitive than large livestock animals. "Crimea earthquake workers by observing the actions of reptiles,also successfully forecast an earthquake.October 5, 1984, even though the night temperatures are low, or have lizards crawling out from the pit.About an hour later, the seismometers recorded a number of coastal land and Yalta phenomenon.Another time, on June 26, 1986, they also detect a slight sway the crust.Rainy day, but very active lizards, as usual will not hide in your hole.Yaerdani Kitab Botanical Garden scientists determined to understand this "sensitive feeling" in the end is how it all about?After numerous studies, they finally found a sense of reptiles allow the biological mechanism of the earthquake.As the representative of the oldest animal species, lizards are very sensitive to magnetic and electromagnetic response.This is because the nervous system is different from lizards and other animals.According to Sergei Shara said that the reptile a so-called wall of an organ, referred to as the "third eye."Organ at the end of the brain, the nervous system is responsible for regulating the epiphysis side.Interestingly, the stuff of a special organ to probe the holes in vitro.And the lizards, snakes, "third eye" in possession of the skull inside.Third Eye animals really?Chengdu Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences expert said, "lizards, as the existing one of the most primitive reptiles.wide distribution. Third Eye to the well-known lizards living in the Cook Strait tooth Lizard wedge.Wedge Lizard feature is a tooth on top of their skulls with third eye, can be sensitive when young.and the loss of basic adult role. This vertex left eye from the characteristics of early vertebrates, reptiles,Some lizards also have this feature.but none of the wedge tooth Lizard Third Eye famous. "As the third eye lizards and the links between earthquake prediction.Experts said the domestic system has not done the experiment, so we can not determine its conclusions.According to the Russian magazine "summary" report, scientists through long-term observations.They believe the "third eye" will be able to "see" a signal that the low-frequency magnetic earthquake.In the test, they have several large lizards on the strength of high-frequency electromagnetic field environment, a few days later found thatThese animals were all dead pilot.Later, to be diverted into low-frequency magnetic field environment, it is particularly active lizards.The land in the fields before with the performance of the same : they want to run away from the ring, the frequency shift,clearly shown irritability.However, test results will give biologists a single problem :How can it interfere with the strong magnetic storms to distinguish signs of the earthquake?So they installed a magnetometer at the test site, they measured by the intensity of geomagnetic disturbances, the so-called planetary magnetic induction index.If the high frequency disturbances or dramatic changes in the magnetic field, reptiles have a feeling that begins active.Then by the earthquake.1990, the Crimean city of Sudak 6 earthquake40 km from the epicenter before scientists discovered the unusual move of the lizards.According to witnesses, then spread the floor of the lizards, and their rock and stone into arranged vertically,because this will help them to adapt to the vertical position and the strength of the magnetic field direction.The land they are on the eve of such a gesture to alleviate the impact of the signal arriving.Hill said Karadag geological station staff in the collection of all the electromagnetic, Geophysical,various aspects of the geological and biological information, we can decide whether or not to issue a warning.In custody with the help of animal biotechnology land and the intensity of earthquake prediction and the Society of casualties,But they now have to forecast the earthquake occurred at a time.Now they know that the biological indicator not only in a few hours before the earthquake, but it will be seen a few days ago.According to biologists, unlike reptiles equipment, which has never been out of the prediction error.As the lizards have inherited from the ancient ancestors of the nervous system, so it has become a sensitive biological indicator.They can sense a radius of 100 km from the epicenter to be within the scope of the earthquake.Center for Analysis and Prediction of China Seismological Bureau Chief reporter Shi-Hong Sun,earthquake ground and produce a series of physical and chemical changes in climate,This subtle change in the perception of animal organs more easily stimulated, so their behavior abnormalities.Of course, the animal behavior can be attributed to many factors, such as seasonal variations, disease, the living environment and conditions for a change.Concrete analysis of concrete conditions to be able to more accurately predict the occurrence of an earthquake.