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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 12:36:41
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Supermarkets need to deal with a lot of inventory information, but also time to update sales information, and constantly add information goods. Face different types of information, the need to rationalize the structure of the database to save information, the need for effective program structure to support the implementation of a variety of data manipulation. Store automation of product management in Europe and the United States and other countries have already realized, is the retail management. It is characterized by the most important to real-time and accurate control of the sale of the shop. If you can master the sales process in real time and sales, you can effectively accelerate the turnover of commodities and improve service quality, and can not reduce prices and other issues arising. Consumption requirements of the customer is shopping in the supermarket can basically be able to purchase the necessary goods, and also ensures the quality of goods would also like to enjoy high-quality, convenient service.
With the development of small-scale supermarkets expanding number of commodities, a sharp increase in the amount of information relating to a variety of commodities has also doubled. Always need to store all kinds of information products for statistical analysis. Management of a large supermarket system is too cumbersome to operate a strong and resulted in reducing the efficiency of the small supermarket.
Supermarket Management System is the market's most popular supermarket on one commonly used system, it mainly includes the following modules: system privileges settings, the original data entry, data aggregation and inquiry. Thus, the realization of the purchase, sales and employee information, such as a comprehensive, dynamic and timely management.
In this paper, a systematic analysis of the software development process in the background; first introduced the software development environment, then introduced the detailed design of the software process: database design, each module of the Design and Implementation, as well as the specific interface design and functionality.
Keywords: Supermarket Management Information System
Chapter I Introduction
1.1 Social Background
With the modern development of science and technology, computer technology has infiltrated the field of elder brother to become an indispensable tool for all sectors, especially the Internet and information technology to promote the establishment of the highway, so that IT industry more competitive in the market shows that its unique advantage, into the information age, there are huge waiting for data processing and transmission, which makes the book database for the further development and use will become more necessary.
Some of the domestic market as small and medium-sized supermarkets, they are in the process of information to be lagging behind the pace of large and medium-sized supermarket, and for these enterprises, resource management, information storage and processing also appears an urgent need to adapt to market competition, it needs efficient handling and management methods, so to speed up the process of the supermarket is the information will be small.
During the internship, we survey the market for small and medium-sized supermarkets in various business operations and personnel management of the actual needs, has developed a set of supermarket management system. In the development process, we focused on the current characteristics of the management of the supermarket and the actual level of technical staff, based on the Windows graphical user interface easy to learn and use the operating environment in the system design process, we as far as possible people who understand accessibility machine interface, enables users to fully grasp in the short term. We have always made the correctness of the system in the first place to deal with data integrity and correctness. On this basis to optimize program code to speed up the system and reduce the occupancy of the system resources.
Supermarket 1.2 Background
Supermarkets in China in the 20th century, the formation of the early 90's, and now has become an important form of retail, the development of the national economy played an important role. With the rapid development of supermarkets, and its management has become increasingly complex, the early form of salespersonsalready can not meet the current development of sales, so that the urgent need to introduce new management techniques.
Supermarket form a number of advantages, but under the present circumstances, it is still shared by the retail business side behind, such as: You can not effectively manage all kinds of commodities, clearing receivables slow turnover prone to error, not suitable for commodity price , the efficiency of low inventory, but also in day-to-day management of the supermarket, commodity import and sell, keep, such as experience-based decision-making, the lack of real-time analysis capabilities, management of requests for information transmitted in a timely manner can not be met consistently. Su Che form of the rapid development of supermarkets, and its management has become increasingly complex, day-to-day need to be addressed by gradually increasing the amount of data, business operation more and more intermediate links, the original has not managed to deal with this complex market. To this end, in the selection process, I chose the subject of supermarket management system design, relying on modern computer information processing technology to manage the supermarket, saving a great deal of manpower and material resources to improve the working conditions of employees, reducing the labor intensity, and can quickly reflect the merchandise import and sell a variety of deposit and other conditions and analysis of feedback information to managers on the market quickly to make the corresponding changes in the decision-making, to speed up the operation and management efficiency of the supermarket.
Feasibility study chapter
2.1 Technical Feasibility Study
Practitioners in the IT industry, the staff are generally asked to master computer technology, hardware and software has a certain basis, will use a variety of management software, familiar with IT products. Because some of the supermarket staff is relatively high quality of the requirements, from sales management to the following personnel requirements based on a certain computer, so when the new system put into use, as long as a small number of staff training, system functions and Basically, use the method to the smooth operation of the system.
2.2 Economic Feasibility Study
Due to sales information through the network transmission limitations can not distance, so can borrow a lot of human and material resources to facilitate the management, which can reduce unnecessary expenses, while the system can improve the efficiency of the supermarket sales, which increased the economic Supermarket effectiveness, so is economically feasible.
(1) supermarkets be able to bear the cost of system development
The development of the new system is a complex task interval, and its investment is investment in human and material resources. The developers of the system, its major investment in both human and material resources. If this is the arrangement of manpower to develop their own enterprise system, its principal or investment in human resources, the business needs from the system to a systematic analysis to investigate the production code require enormous human input. Software companies as a short high-tech industries, the requirements of their employees than the general business requirements higher, but also for the development of systems and software industry to understand more, so in self-development and management system, enterprise more easily their own arrangements for manual Such enterprises can borrow most of the additional expenditure. At the same time, the software on other products, are high-end industry, whether it is the quality of products or higher prices, products and business dealers or merchants are required to have strong financial support. Therefore, the development process in the system, enterprises are able to assume full development costs.
(2) The new system will bring economic benefits to enterprises
Is an information management system, intelligence and advanced management concept of the collection. Management is a dynamic process, in the course of its operation a number of measures to be taken. Therefore, to gain economic benefits in the management of a comprehensive benefits to its direct comparison of quantitative analysis is difficult. The general economic benefits of the new system is brief, and its most important performance is to reduce the cost of the enterprise management and human spending. And other food through the red tape to be analyzed in the new system to resolve, not only saves a great deal of time, but also the decision-making for the enterprise has provided valuable data to generate huge economic benefits for enterprises.
2.3 Feasibility Study for the operation
The system uses a Windows-based graphical user interface, and the system is well-known operating system, for those who have general knowledge of computers can easily get started on. And the whole management system stores the most friendly interface, brief and clear, no need to conduct an in-depth understanding of the database.
Thus, the operation of the system is feasible, it is necessary to develop the system.
Based on the above three aspects, the system has a higher degree of development of the feasibility, whether it is technically or economically or operationally. Therefore, we can design the system data flow diagram to set up a data dictionary.
Chapter III Analysis of System Requirements
3.1 user workflow
Purchase or sale of goods, the user or salesto check a single review and registration; users to obtain purchase, sales, inventory information, to purchase, the sale of inventory query and print.
3.2 user business needs
(1) The inventory management software will tea products information management and statistics, product sales and productsingle entry to the management and statistics;
(2) The management software will be based on the user's need to purchase, sales, inventory inquiries, and can print detailed information;
(3) The management software will provide users with account management tool to enable users to manage accounts, specifically to add users, delete users, modify user passwords;
(4) the management of enterprise management software, to manage the classification of employees, as well as new employees join the staff of the deletion, modification and other functions into the information.
Supermarket management of the whole structure of the function of the system shown in Figure