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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 00:13:12
as a leading man of the workers,besides the normal routines, the most noticeable things are to deal well with the relationships among the workers, among my leaders and my fellows, and the relationship between the restaurant and kitchen. ----it is pretty hard but i will try my best.
my main responsibilities are:
supervise and coordinate the service jobs of my teammates
check the condition of booking, ensure adequate supplies and all of them are in accordance with the standards
examine the outlook of the workers and express the standard appearances in the restaurant
solve the compliment, if necessary, report to the supervisors timely
assist staff in etiquette, order and customer services
answer to the requests of the customers, consult the customers after the meals and help to check out
finish the specialty and take records
make proper register and report to the supervisors.
not off duty until finish the job and get the permission from the supervisor
the staff trainings:
the standard and skills of service
the proper way to communicate with the customers, to make up, to deal with the compliments from the customers
the standard of instruments on the table
recite the menu and the use of ordering machine
familiar with the dishes
the rules and standards of the restaurant
the system of register
the standard and the way for cleaning up
the origin of western food and the knowledge of the dishes
training the oral English
the above are not only the basic information for the training of the waiters, but also a chief should be master at
英语翻译再过一两天要参加考试,有个口语面试我猜除了自我介绍肯定还要说说岗位职责(五星级酒店的西餐厅领班),忙发高手帮个忙 大家好我是一名大专在读生.要去一家五星级酒店参加服务生面试要求英文自我介绍.帮我写一封.我非常感谢 过两天面试,要用英语自我介绍,可是我的英语不好,希望大家帮帮忙喽(三分钟内) 英语电话面试准备过两天有个英语电话面试,销售.我针对他有可能提的问题做了如下准备:简短的自我介绍,主要是工作经历,和适合 过两天我要参加上海新东方的英语辅导,请高手提提建议 英语翻译请各界英语高手帮个小忙、我刚好要去Gucci去面试、写篇简单的口语浓厚的自我介绍吧 纯口语化的就行 最后写上我很 西餐厅服务英语.有没有西餐厅日常服务用语啊.我进的是五星级酒店西餐厅服务员.要是老外来了.我可一句英语也听不懂啊.糗大了 我要去一个西餐厅当服务员,需不需要准备一个英语的自我介绍?会问什么?求一个英语面试范文简单的. 有没有参加过创新英语大赛的?那个口语面试怎么答? 我马上要参加赴美带薪实习的口语面试,请过来人说说我该怎么准备呢?说得好追分 帮写份面试的自我介绍要去肯德基面试.我最怕面试官问我自我介绍.但又肯定会问..有谁帮着写份..应该怎么写?填了表再把表上 英语翻译各位评委早上好,很高兴能参加这次面试,首先请允许我做个自我介绍,我叫.,19岁,来自江苏南京,在日常生活中我的兴