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几道简单的中译英!不说出事实的真相我是不会让你走的 unless要是你去那个城市走走,你会发现那儿的情况比想象的更糟 a

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 02:44:58
不说出事实的真相我是不会让你走的 unless
要是你去那个城市走走,你会发现那儿的情况比想象的更糟 and
只要你努力,即使不成功也不会责怪你的 as long as
我们正在欣赏口人心玄的比赛,天突然下起了雨 when
I won't let you go unless you tell the truth.
If you visit that city,you'll find that there is worse than imaging.
As long as you work hard,no one will blame you even if unsuccess.
When we were watching the exciting match,it suddenly rained.