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(英语口语的) 每题写一段话(150个单词内就够了)

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/14 00:53:14
(英语口语的) 每题写一段话(150个单词内就够了)
Topics for Oral Test
1. What is your father/mother like?Do you think parents’ love for their children is the greatest love in the world?Why?
2.What do you think of marriage?What do you think is crucial for a happy marriage?
3.What causes stress to people?What should we do to deal with stress?Do you think there is something positive about stress?Why or why not?
4.What qualities do you value most in a young person?What do you think of youth as a stage in one’s life?What should you do while you’re young?
5.Which season do you like best?Why?Which aspect of nature attracts you most,plants and trees,animals,hills and rivers,or natural phenomena?Give your reason.
6.What is courage?How is courage different from rashness?What can we do to cultivate in children the virtue of courage?
7.What should be the major concerns of a business company?What makes a good employer?And what makes a good employee?
8.How do you define humor?What is the value of humor in interpersonal relationships?
9.What types of film do you like,documentary or feature films?Romance,action,science fiction,suspense,or horror?Why?Do you like to watch films at the school cinema or downtown?Why or why not?
10.Are you interested in astronomy?Why or why not?What do you think of space travel for non-astronauts?Would you like to be a space traveler?
1. My parents like many things, such as traditional Chinese songs or music and other activities.
No doubt, parents' love is the greatest love in the world. When you were born, no matter whether you're beautiful or not, they just love you totally and completely! When you grown up, they just support you in any way, whatever they can do they will do if it's helpful to your success! How can we doubt that?
2. Marriage is perhaps the biggest problem in most people's life, it may be equal to the parents' problem sometimes. It's sacred and unbreakable if your marriage is legal and you do love your spouse( and you spouse do love you as well).
The most important thing for a successful marriage, in my opinion is to be honest and true with yourself and your love. If you don't really love him or her, just don't take the chance and show any mercy to him or her, it's bad to do so if you just feel pitiful for someone you don't love and then you marry him or her... trust me, it can be the worst thing in the world. So just follow your heart and don't lie to yourself.
3. Stress comes from many kind of activities anyway, for different people in different activities. Maybe just because you are afraid of losing your chance to be successful in a speech or something like that, it causes pressure frequently.
When we have stress, we have to deal with it with care, or we maybe sick or feel bad for a long time in the future. First we have to know what the reason that causes our stress is. Then it's easier to make through the problem by spend time with your family and friends.
Stress can be helpful sometimes, we usually say that stress pushes us to move forward, it's true at least for students in schools, if they have no pressure of being getting into a good college or university, they might be unwilling to study hard.
4. For young people, I do think the first thing is honesty no matter when and where. Without honesty, how will you believe him or her in a career that maybe important( all the career could be important!).
Adolescent is absolutely important for everyone, it has a significant impact on everyone's future life, no matter what you want to be, you have to start at your early age( you can do that when you're old, but nobody want to don't we?), so everyone young man should grasp the chance to be successful, and do meaningful things useful things and studies to improve yourself!
5. I like spring best, when it's spring, I just feel the world is filled with hope and love. Nothing could make feel it this way.
In fact, all the natures above will attract me! But if you want to pick one, I will choose Animals. I think animals can have some more influences on someone's personalities, many creations are designed just by searching animals, we learn a lot from animals, besides, you can communicate with animals, but it's harder to do that with plants or trees doesn't it?
6. Courage is a kind of strength coming from your deep heart. Courage is not rashness. Rashness means you do things without wisdom, thinking and love. It's important to cultivate the virtue of courage of children, it will make big difference for them in the future. Just lead them to the right place and show them how courage works.
7. For all the business companies, the major concern is dealing with all the things with honesty and enthusiasm.
To be a good employer, you have to study a lot on the work, that's the base, you also need many good personalities at the same time, if you face failures, you have to take the responsibility and keep it up, eventually you can be a success.
8. Humor is hard to define, as for different people the definition may different as well. But I think humor is some kind of wisdom that can make you more attractive and lovely.
Most of the time, humor is so important in your life, you have to handle the relationships with others with humor! There are many things and many times that you have to that, if you are dull you might lose many chances.
9. I like romantic films. It makes me feel like living in a world of love. I would prefer watching a movie in downtown, that's a kind of nature place to watch a movie. But others may not believe that.
10. I am not too interested in astronomy, it's a big definition for me to think about, I just don't want to waste my time doing that. It's too far away for me to think about space travel, I just think can imagine it in a movie, but if I have the chance, why not being a space traveler?
Thanks for choosing my answers! I appreciate it.