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英语翻译“When You Are Old” William Butler Yeats Unrequited love

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/02 00:50:01
“When You Are Old” William Butler Yeats Unrequited love is a common theme in poetry.“When You Are Old” is about Maud Gonne,an Irish nationalist who William Butler Yeats was infatuated with and his unrequited love for her.In the poem,Maud Gonne is reflecting on past loves and relationships.She realizes that Yeats was her only companion who loved her unconditionally.Many loved her,or said they did,but not in every respect like Yeats.Perhaps if her realization were sooner,Yeats would have married her.Many key words jut out,giving us clues to which Yeats is describing.The most significant is “Love” on the tenth line.“Love” is capitalized representing William Yeats himself.Yeats or “Love” fled because he knew it was the best for her.When one loves another unconditionally sacrifices must be made; in this case ending the relationship was the solution.Two other key words are located in the sixth line,“false” and “true”.These words are used to exemplify the love she received from her past relationships.Some men truly loved her while others were artificial with their love.William Yeats is telling us how he loved her good qualities,along with her faults.This again is a prime example of his unconditional admiration and praise for her.Maud Gonne was a strong,independent woman.A key word to describe her is “pilgrim”,located on the seventh line.Yeats depicts her soul as a “pilgrim”,constantly moving and free minded.A person with a “pilgrim soul” must be set free to wander in life.Yeats knew this and ended the relationship because she wasn’t totally happy.The imagery in this poem sets the scene and the mood.A strong image is in the first line.Yeats uses great adjectives like “old”,“gray”,and “full of sleep to depict Maud as an old,tired woman.This is very important because it sets the scene and tone.The imagery in the second line adds to this.“Nodding by the fire” also gives us a concrete picture.These two lines really illustrate a scene of an old woman reading a book by the firelight.The theme of this poem is one of unrequited love.Yeats is acknowledging his unconditional wonder and admiration for Maud Gonne.He loved her very much but that same passion and love was not returned.This is a very common theme in poetry but Yeats demonstrates it very well because he uses a real life situation.His feelings and emotions are real because he experienced them first hand.I can relate to this poem because I have been in a similar situation.I had a girlfriend last year,who was very caring and compassionate.She was amazing but extremely attached.I was in the same situation as Maud Gonne.I needed my space for my “pilgrim” soul was uneasy.I am young and I need to experience new things and people,just like Maud.As I look back now I realize that my girlfriend was very generous and treated me with care.Those traits are hard to find in someone and I feel lucky to have experienced that.
“当你老了”威廉.叶芝暗恋是一个共同主题诗歌”.当你老”是关于Maud Gonne,爱尔兰人是国民党迷恋威廉·巴特勒·暗恋她和他.在这首诗,是对过去Maud Gonne爱与人际关系有关.她觉得叶芝是她唯一的伴侣无条件地爱她.许非常多,艺术设计多爱她,或说他们所做的,而不是在各方面都如叶芝.如果她是迟早会实现,叶芝已经结了婚.许多关键字凸出,给予我们的线索,叶芝描述的.最重要的是“爱”的线.“爱”是大写表示自己.叶芝威廉.叶芝或“爱”逃跑,因为他知道那是最好的.当你爱别人必须无条件地牺牲;在这种情况下,结束这种关系是解决问题的方法.另外两个关键词是位于第六线,“假”和“真实的”.这些话是用来体现爱她收到她的人际关系.有些人真的爱她,而另一些人则是与他们的爱.人工威廉‧叶芝告诉我们他爱她的优点,随着她的缺点.这也是一个主要的例子,他对她的无条件的赞赏和赞美.Maud Gonne是强有力的、有主见的女人.一个关键字来形容自己是“朝圣者”,位于第7线.叶芝描写了她作为一个“朝圣者”的灵魂,不断推进和自由思想.一个人有“朝圣者的灵魂”必须释放徘徊在生活.叶芝知道这件事,因为她没有关系完全快乐.这首诗的意象的场景和心情.一个强大的形象是在第一行.用伟大的形容词,如叶芝的“老”、“灰色”、“睡眠来描绘Maud作为一个老、疲惫的女人.这是非常重要的,因为它设置场景和语调.第二排的形象.”加到火炉旁打盹之”也给了我们一个具体的图片.这两条线确实说明了一个场景的一位老妇人阅读一本书的炉火.这首诗的主题之一是单相思.他承认是叶芝的惊奇和钦佩Maud无条件Gonne.他非常爱她,但同样的激情和爱是不退还.这是一种很常见的主题,在诗歌中表现得非常出色,但叶芝论证,因为他使用一个真实的生活情况.他的情感是真实的,因为他经历了他们的第一手资料.我能够理解这首诗,因为我一直在类似的情况.我曾经有个女朋友,去年,谁是非常关心和同情心.她是了不起的,但非常附呈.我是在相同的情况下,Maud Gonne一样.我需要我的空间,我的“朝圣者”的灵魂是不安.我年轻的时候,我需要去体验新鲜事物和人一样,Maud.当我回首往事的时候,我知道我的女朋友现在很慷慨,我照顾.这些特性是很难找到的人,我感到幸运,有这种经历.