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turn back\turn around\turn over的区别

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 11:52:52
turn back\turn around\turn over的区别
确切来讲,三个单词中只有turn over 可以译为“翻过来”,turn back 意为“转回来(去)”,turn around 意为“转过来(去)”.下面分述三者区别:
1.turn back 意为“转回来(去)”,一种行为被turn back 后,其结果是“原路返回”或“回到原点”
例句:It's getting late - maybe we should turn back.天已经晚了,我们往回走吧.
2.turn around 意为“转过来(去)”,强调人或事物“转身”这一动作.人或物turn around 后,发生朝向的方向转变.注意只是转变“方向”,不是变为“原方向”,也不是变换“正反方向”,而且更重要的是人或物turn around 后本身一定会有接续动作或行为.这是turn around和turn over的关键区别.
例句:The reporters kept following her and asking personal questions.Finally she turned around and laid them out.
3.turn over 意为“翻过来,翻倒”.事物被turn over 以后,就变成底朝上、里朝外、正朝反等结果,被turn over后的事物本身没有有目的性的接续行为.例句:The car turned over after the crash.撞车后,小汽车翻了.She turned the card over to see what was on the other side.她把卡片翻过来看另一面有什么.