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英语翻译How I Spend My Summer Vacation Our summer vacation begin

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 08:45:33
How I Spend My Summer Vacation Our summer vacation begins on July 15th and lasts nearly two months.Considering that my brain needs rest after a period of hard work,I,together with my family,went to our countryside,a very small farmhouse handed down from our forefathers,to spend the summer,Obviously,life in the country is very different from that in the city.Early in the morning I took a stroll along the field side.The air was fresh and pure.With a dog following,sometimes I ran a race in the meadows covered with tall grass.Sometimes I climbed up the hill to see the sun slowly yet steadily emerge out of the eastern horizon.The birds also seemed to have awakened from their dreams,twittering restlessly among the bushes.In order to appreciate the quietness of the country,I gave myself entirely to among the bushes.In order to appreciate the quietness of the country,I gave myself entirely to nature,with a light heart and a happy mind.Sometimes in the afternoon I,in company with my cousins,took a rod and went to the river to fish.It made the household happy when they saw me returning with a basketful of large fresh fish.When night came,I would sit at the door and tell the most marvelous and interesting stories to my cousins,who listened to the tale of wonder with open eyes and mouth.I wish I could enjoy such calm,pure and beautiful rural life forever.
我们的暑假从7月15日开始,有将近两个月的时间,我们怎么过暑假呢?鉴于我刚刚做完一个很艰苦的任务,我和家人决定去我们家的小农场度假,这个农场是祖辈留下来的.很显然乡村的生活与都市的生活完全不同.每天清晨我都会去散步,沿着田埂走一走,周围的空气是如此清新和纯净.有时溜一溜i狗,有时在被浓荫掩盖下的草地跑炮步.有时爬上山头看日出看着太阳从地平线缓缓升起,四周的鸟儿也从睡梦中醒来,在枝间不停婉转娇啼.我完全放松身心,浸入大自然,感恩大自然的馈赠.有时下午和表兄拿上鱼竿,去河垂钓.当我们满载而归时,家里人看到鲜美的鱼儿时喜笑颜开. 晚上我会给表兄讲城里的传奇和趣事,他们听的摇头晃脑地感叹.我内心其实希望生活在这种平静安宁的田园生活中一直到老.个人意见,仅供参考1