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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/18 03:31:37
I began to consider of everyone I know, I've ever experienced. Even though I was so young, came to this world only 21 years, but I like reminiscence, all the old things seem so fascinating, especially their stories. what should I write, so that I don't look so superficial. But a few dayslater,I found it maybe wasn't so important, just write the truth, the true feelings, should be good, this is not a test, is it? just write without any concern.
Two and a half years, many things have changed, many not .I got more friends, but close frinds rae still the two; my boy friend leaves me, and my family still accompany me; at age is increasing, the world population is increasing, my economic power is still in my dad's hand, it is really a tragedy.
Breaking up with my boyfriend blows to me, but also wakes me. I discovered that my four-year life circle is so small, I did no contactwith my friends , systemic around him. God, I broke up, but not divorced. I am free now, I need not worry so much about the exams for postgraduate or the schools after granduating, I also do not have to worry about my work place, I can enjoy walking around. I think I'm lost in the honey pot, I lost. I want to be myself, not others like me, is my own love me.
I do not know how long my lifetime is, I hope to live in happiness while I was in school. I think of graduate-study admission exam, OR not to read, but i want to pursue what I like a professional. I don't know if my choice is correct, but I will try.
英语翻译我开始考虑我认识的每个人,我所见过所经历过.尽管我是那么的年轻,来到这个世上仅仅21年,但我喜欢怀旧,一切旧的事 英语翻译1 对不起,我没旅游过,我也不喜欢旅游.每个人喜欢的东西不一样,每个人的兴趣不一样,或许旅游可以让我增长见识,但 英语翻译注定要相逢,谁先来等着都可以,只因你比我早来到这个世上,我,才知道我所不经历的那个世界.注定要相逢,谁先来等着都 英语翻译我不是一个喜欢怀旧的人,我只是一个喜欢看自己一年前过得怎样的人. 英语翻译感谢劝过我的人,我会好好过的,还有,感谢一切陪我走过这一切的人,即使你仅仅见证过一小段.最后,给了我一场完美的轮 世上有没有鬼的存在我也不知道有还是没有,但我经历过.二十岁时候我就开始跑线路组铁塔放线工地都是一些老山上,在福建龙岩.有 英语翻译根据所给提示翻译下列句子1.你的暑假过得怎么样?2.在这个月末,我父母将带我去上海.3.我是昨天开始阅读这本书的 帮忙用英语翻译句子1.这个问题猪的认真考虑 deserve2.我认为她的体重在增加 gain3.尽管我很不喜欢,但今晚我 英语翻译我叫陈雪冰,我的英文名叫Clinla,我来自江苏省南京市,我是一名中学生,我来到美国,是因为我喜欢这个国家,这个 英语翻译我是一个爱笑的女孩,我喜欢对着每个人微笑.能来到这个班级和大家一起学习,一起成长,我很开心!希望我能和班上没一位 英语翻译1.我喜欢旅游,但我又不愿意花钱2.尽管下雨,昨天的足球赛还是按原计划举行了3.他没来,但我记得告诉过他上课的时 一切的一切,仅仅只是因为我喜欢翻译成英文怎么说