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英语翻译killing the angel in the house was part of the occupatio

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 03:22:25
killing the angel in the house was part of the occupation of a woman writer.
those are a question that i should like ,had i time ,to ask you .And indeed ,if i have laid stress professional experiences of time .it is because i believe that they are ,though in different forms,you also.
killing the angel in the house was part of the occupation of a woman writer.杀死房子里的天使是一个女作家职业的一部分.(这是英国女作家弗吉妮亚·伍尔夫在演讲稿《女人的职业》中的一句话.很多时候,伍尔夫在写作中,就像和一个“房中的天使”作斗争.“房中的天使”是她写作时的大敌,因为它是人的惰性和惯性,会让人觉得轻松舒服,但是“房中的天使”从来没有自己的想法、愿望,别人的见解和意愿它总愿意赞同……伍尔夫说,要战胜“房中的天使”就是要“摆脱虚伪”.)
those are a question that i should like ,had i time ,to ask you .And indeed ,if i have laid stress professional experiences of time .it is because i believe that they are ,though in different forms,you also.那些是我应该喜欢的问题,如果我有时间要问你.事实上,如果我已经放下了强调工作经验时间的问题,那是因为我相信它们就是这样的,尽管形式不同,你也一样.(这段话是哪里来的?文法不通!)
再问: �������ģ���viginia woolf������professions for woman.