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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/01 11:30:19


One virtue is more of a virtue than two. 这里的than是连词还是介词,为什么?

Rather than depicts him a lesson, it represents . 这里是rather than 引导的什么状语从句吗?rather than 后面 动词(如depict)应该如何确定?(这句话自己编的,不一定正确)

As a student, rather than study knowledge in the book, I learn a lot from my mentor. 这句话rather than 后面的动词 study 时态是对的吗?


另外。She would rather stay at home than go out .
这里rather是adv, than不应该是介词呢,因为介词后动词需要 用现在分词形式,所以这里than理解为连词好像要合理一点呢?
rather than do sth 固定用法
再问: One virtue is more of a virtue than two. 你的意思是 这里than 是介词?

rather than do 是固定用法,但是do用什么时态如何确定呢?
再答: 对是介词 rather than后面接动词原形 没有时态可分
再答: 连词即连接 所以它的前后成分要是颠倒了 句意也不会有什么变化
而介词就不一样了 前后成分一倒 句子就变味了 不是原来的意思了
再问: rather than 后面好像不是接原形吧...谢谢回答
再答: rather....than.....和rather than实际上是一样的,

同would 连用时,可分开写,也可合写.
would rather do A than do B
=would do A rather than do B 宁愿...而不愿...

She would rather stay at home than go out .
=She would stay at home rather than go out .

但同连用时,只能合写成: prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿...而不愿...

He preferred to die rather than surrender to the enemy.

单独使用时,rather than而不是
This argument aimed at the understanding rather than the emotions.
再答: 声明 这个是百度上搜的 但是是对的 接原形
再问: He preferred to die rather than surrender to the enemy.

rather than 后面的surrender 是与 die 并列或者比较,所以是原形。
再答: 的确是与之作比较 但不是因为做比较而是原型 而是这是固定用法 你要是判定than在这里的词性倒是介词性质了