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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 11:41:51
One evening, men had to take a bus to go home, but because of his departure and arrival times, and other licensing too late, uncertain in the end he did not have cars, they do not want to walk long distances home because he is very remote, so had no choice but to wait and see There is no end of the shuttle. All of a sudden there is a distance to see the emergence of a bus that he was pleased to Lanju. Yi Shangju he found at the end of this train is rather puzzling as one would naturally have expected that the last bus should be limited because the remote route, but the car was filled with only one vacancy, and the car quietly there is not a personal remark. He felt a little strange, but that is still the only space to sit down. That the space next to a woman sitting there, waiting for him to sit down one, the woman whispered to him: "You should not take this the train." He was very surprised that the woman went on to say: "This train Is not to sit in the living. Yishang Ju you, you will be arrested when the scapegoat. "Woman said to him:" It does not matter, I can help you to escape. "So she pulled on his windows open jump Down, when they jump when he heard the "car" of people yelling "He went so far as to allow a run." His firm, and so on, they found in a deserted hillside, he heaved a sigh of relief on the woman hastened to thank. That woman has exposed a strange smile: "Now, no one robbed me!"
英语翻译有一个男生晚上要坐公车回家,可是因为他到站牌等的时候太晚了,他不确定到底还有没有车,又不想走路,因为他家很远很偏 英语翻译没人和我抢了 有一个男生晚上要坐公车回家,可是因为他到站牌等的时候太晚了,他也不确定到底还 有没有车.又不想走路 英语翻译他是一个很2的男生.为什么这么说呢?因为他长得2笑得2吃饭动作2走路姿势2,可以说没有什么不2的.他满脸痘痘,只 梦见坐公交车梦见天晚了坐公交车回家,本来有直达的,但因为太晚了只能坐中转的,而且卖高价票.没办法只好买了,还好车上还有位 他到底喜不喜欢我啊?跟他两个人看电影,他手放过来试探着要牵我的手,我没有动,也没有给他牵到,回家的时候走路上有想亲我,我 英语翻译1当我给他打电话的时候,他在吃饭.2他没有赶上公车只好步行回家3下周将举行一场运动会 感情困扰,认识一男的五天,一起约会过一次,后来他表白我拒绝了,不是因为不喜欢他,是因为不想这么快、我对他很有好感…可是拒 奇怪的车轮现象不知道坐公车的朋友有没发现一个奇怪的现象:那就是当你坐在公车座位上的时候,因为公车通常开的比较慢,而当有小 英语翻译一天晚上,继父回家很晚.可能因为工作太累以至于一回到家就躺在沙发上睡着了.因为害怕他冷,所以我拿了条被子为他盖上 英语翻译最近陈先生在医院静养,因为前天他在一次追捕一个罪犯的时候不小心把腿弄骨折了.还有1个星期就能出院了,可是陈先生这 英语翻译句子里有两个女人,他到底在等哪一个?背景是我喜欢一个男生,可他有女朋友,他同时爱我们两个,可是她的女朋友不爱他, 如果我有一个非常要好的同学过十岁生日,他悄悄约了班上几位同学晚上到他家去我高兴的答应了,可是和爸爸妈妈一商量他们认为这样