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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 11:56:56
唐太宗李世民是历史上口碑很好的一个皇帝,他和谏臣魏征的良好君臣关系历来为世人所称道,也是史学家啧啧称叹的贤君良臣的典范.“太宗怀鹞”, 见于唐人刘悚的《隋唐嘉话》.唐太宗喜欢玩鸟,有一天,他得到一只形态俊异、毛色漂亮的鹞鸟,十分宠爱,便放在手中赏玩不已.这时魏征从远处走来,太宗因为考虑到魏征有事上奏,比较严肃,急忙把鹞鸟藏在怀里,装作若无其事地与其讨论.不巧,机敏的魏征发觉有异,就特意近前来向太宗禀告事情,在谈完所议之事后,他没有急于离开,继续向太宗讲述古代帝王由于贪图安逸享乐、沉醉声色犬马而最终丧国灭身的事,劝谏“明君”当以此为戒.魏征滔滔不绝的讲述看来是有意为之,他讲着不想停下来,时间长了,那鹞鸟在太宗怀里憋死了.虽然太宗感到可惜,但是他没有阻止魏征.
Tang Taizong Li Shimin a good reputation in history an emperor, he and Jian Chen Wei Zheng has always been good relations between monarch and officials called for the people of the world, and also the historian's tongue enrapture the Xianjun Yoshiomi model. "Taizong Huai Harrier", found in Tang Liu frightened of "Sui Ka talk." Emperor Taizong like to play birds, one day, he received a different form-jun, beautiful coat color harrier birds, are very spoiled, then placed in the hands of playing are endless. At this time coming from a distance, Wei Zheng, Wei Zheng, Taizong taking into account that something happens memorial, more serious, and hurried to harrier birds hidden in his arms, pretending nonchalance with their discussion. Unfortunately, astute Wei Zheng find that different, it almost came to Taizong specifically to announce his things, leaving the subject of the discussion of the incident, he did not hurry to leave, to continue to talk about the ancient emperors Taizong seek ease and comfort because of pleasure, intoxicated with sensual pleasures and the ultimate State funeral destroy the body thing, to remonstrate, "Mingjun" When this as a warning. Wei Zheng gushing about appears to be intentional, he did not want to stop talking, a long time, that's harrier birds suffocated in the arms of Taizong. Despite Taizong felt pity, but he did not stop Wei Zheng.
This story in today's perspective, there are a few points is quite interesting, but also thought-provoking.
The first point is why should we deliberately suffocated Wei Zheng harrier birds do? Is it simply because of fear of the Emperor indulged in play and a harrier bird As do? This is so bizarre to us today, is not overly exaggerated Wei Zheng out? Wei Zheng of this approach is similar for the Emperor Taizong emboldened, and even "coercion" of the suspect. What makes him so bold, so behavior? He was really behind the times? Wei Zheng this person, good at Jinjian This is an indisputable fact, but he is not a general persistence Hai Rui generations of daring and dare to criticize a letter to the emperor. His experience ups and downs, defected to a few owners, perhaps because of this, his unique vision, look at a very prospective. As early as his chief of staff to Li Mi to do when he gave Li Mi Jin Jian, but Li Mi was not accepted, see the situation wrong, he will not insist. And later defected to the Prince's Fuchu, as Li Jiancheng's aides, he had several times to remonstrate Prince as soon as possible to get rid of the King of Qin Li Shimin, but not be accepted. Later, everyone familiar with the story, Xuanwumen After the incident, killed the prince Li Jiancheng Li Shimin, Emperor Tang Gaozu forced to make way for his father. At that time, he found a Wei Zheng, publicly questioned why he sow discord between the Prince and his brothers, several of the relations (rhetorical), Wei Zheng Shi-cheng also down, replied: Prince, if early listen to me, then it will not be today's disaster. Ordinarily, to this do nothing, the change of any other one emperor, Wei Zheng is estimated that there is no probability of survival. However, he lucky, were caught by Li Shimin. Not only the lives comfortably, has also been appointed as the Zhanshi main book, and later was promoted to the recommended doctor. Understand that such a process, we can easily understand why Wei Zheng do so in front Taizong had. Maybe some people will say, Wei Zheng has been pardoned, and appointed to important, it should be grateful, how it will go against Taizong? In fact, this is precisely Wei Zheng loyalty, clever. He loyalty because it really Taizong gave him a path of survival, can not help but gratitude, the so-called gratitude, nature is the emperor responsible for this court is responsible for the world responsible for the management of the world that bad things, bad things for the emperor's own , he will be careful to point out; as smart and, more importantly, it is actually really good his vision, he was well aware that Li Shimin pardon him not to buy people's hearts, not show performance, he was sincerely want people to give advice We also hope that good advice and be a good emperor. So-called "persons as confidante to die," he continued reign Jinjian not difficult to understand.
Secondly, why would rather suffocated Emperor Taizong Harrier bird, Wei Zheng, can not bear to break it? Do not say that he is the king of a country that is, any two people, he simply stated the harrier birds to other people care, not to avoid the harrier bird death? Wei Zheng a few powerful, and then have to seriously, you will not be even the emperor's explanation does not listen, even that is not face to Taizong, right? As Tang Taizong Li Shimin, he is how to think is very important, because he could and did not say whether the bird is entirely in the Harrier out of his own, he could not be subject to Wei Zheng, or others. Therefore, the crux of the issue in their choice of Emperor Taizong then suffocated harrier birds. The need for such a move where? Emperor Li Shimin was trying to conquer her father, and he is also the brother in the military exploits of the most prominent, in fact he is also for the demise of the Sui Dynasty was most impressed. In fact, the early Song Dynasty, is to give the whole world laid a good foundation, as the latter part of the rapid destruction, in the view that because of Emperor Li Shimin Yang opinionated, do not listen to good advice depends, dissolute is no way to causing the problem. So he determined to build a peaceful world, a result of their strict requirements Careers satisfied that the bridge, through the Minister Jin Jian, bit by bit to correct its own shortcomings and mistakes. And Wei Zheng of its people, not just dare to Jin Jian, Jin Jian is good, and it is Taizong of the most relied upon Jian Chen; in a fairly long period of time, because of Li Shimin, I did a very "excellent", like the mysterious room ling, Sun Wuji minister of state is difficult to find any of these issues to Jin Jian, only Wei Zheng, always clearly see some problems, perhaps unavoidably, are within his Jianyi. Taizong's death in the Wei Zheng, who cried and said: Wei Zheng died, I lost a mirror. See Wei Zheng's position in his mind. For such a virtuous of the Hill, such a benchmark for the court, an out of mind "mirror," Taizong place more importance on their moral strength and radiation influence. If you lose the Jin Jian Wei Zheng himself willing to take advice would be the attitude of the court, the world of doubt, it will be difficult from some people in front of him telling the truth of. Because see this, Emperor Taizong was in these small things are respected Wei Zheng, even beloved Harrier birds suffocated in the arms, we can not lose Wei Zheng for Jin Jian enthusiasm. This is not a harrier bird issue, which is the emperor of an attitude for Jin Jian, with the existence of such an attitude, and his court would still be wise for the court, he is still a prosperous world will remain.