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英语翻译20.我不在乎开始工作是拿钱少.21.我申请的一个理由是我不在乎艰苦工作.(one of reasons,not

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 22:47:19
21.我申请的一个理由是我不在乎艰苦工作.(one of reasons,not mind)
22.他们正在研究买房的可能性.(look into the possibility of)
23.这个工作特别吸引我.(in particular,attract)
24.王小姐想到管理部门去工作,所以她申请这个职位.(go into management,position)
25.他厌倦川菜,因为它太辣.(be tired of)
29.我爱我的家乡,并为她近几年的发展面感到自豪.(be proud of)
30.高辉告诉他的朋友如何在面试过程中推销自己.(sell oneself)
32.请确保我们有足够的时间赶火车.(make sure)
34.有效的电话通信的关键在于礼貌.(good manners)
35.无论打电话的人谁,你的态度都应是彬彬有礼的.(regardless of,courteous)
41.顺便问一下,你收到那封信了吗?(by the way)
43.那座小山是看日落的好地方.(a great place)
久等了= =可能会有错= =
20 I don't care that I can get less money with a new work.
21 one of the reasons of my application is I don't mind hard work
22 they are looking into the possibility of buying a house
23 this work attracts me in particular
24 Miss.wang wants to go into management, so she apply to this position
25 he is tired of Sichuan food, because it's too hot.
26 his speaking-english has slight German accent
27 fresh vegetables are still sold in a reasonable price in winter
28 they had a vacation in Hainan last summer
29 I love my hometown and I'm proud of the developments in the current years
30 Gaohui told his friends how to sell themselves in a interview
31 The condition of the job changed her personality
32 please make sure that we have enough time to catch the train
33 he haven't told us the details of the tour to Beijing
34 good manners are important in a effective call
35 regardless of whom you are calling up, you should be courteous
36 you are the very man that I am looking for
37 geogre are practicing conversation with a Chinese student
38 和前面的重复了
39 he suggest me to learm from workers who have good experience
40 A friend in need is a friend indeed(一句谚语,我的翻译在后面= =)the true friend is the man still be your friend when you are in trouble
41 by the way, you received the letter?
42 the Greatwall is really a wonder that created by man
43 that small montain is a great place to enjoy sunset
44 if he havs time, ask him to read this book